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Thursday, January 02, 2020

New York Times slammed for labeling embassy-storming mob as 'mourners'

The New York Times caught flack after the publication labeled Iranian-controlled militias, which attacked the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, as "mourners."

"Hundreds of Iraqi mourners tried to storm the United States Embassy in Baghdad, shouting 'Down, down USA!,' in response to deadly American airstrikes this week that killed 25 fighters," the paper said in a Tuesday tweet.

The tweet met with swift condemnation from those saying they were parroting Iranian propaganda. Protesters shouted, "Death to America," as they broke into the embassy compound.



  1. I hate to say it but all that BS over there is Bush's fault.Saddam Husseine had Iraq under control,step out of line and he killed you and all of your family, and he had Iran in check so they couldn't cause trouble in the area,then that friggin idiot Bush comes along and invades Iraq and get's rid of the only person holding all that crap togather.We should get the hell out of that area completly.

  2. The whole middle east situation mess will never be completely solved. It seems that there has always been upheaval, chaos and mayhem over several centuries.

    If the US does not stay involved, other countries will step into the void and one wacko with a dirty bomb makes a real mess. If we stay, there are countless militants that US soldiers will have to engage.

    Having been there and done that as a former 11 bravo, I have no idea what the solution is.

  3. 100 % correct 2:29, US attacked the wrong country for the 911 catastrophe

    1. They knew they wanted Iraq before 9/11 even happened

  4. Anonymous said...
    100 % correct 2:29, US attacked the wrong country for the 911 catastrophe

    January 2, 2020 at 8:41 PM

    BWAHAHAHAHAHA! You idiots are so stupid!


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