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Friday, January 10, 2020

New Jersey becomes second state to adopt law mandating gay and transgender curriculum

A dozen New Jersey schools will be adopting a gay and transgender-focused curriculum set to be implemented statewide in the fall.

Twelve pilot schools will be testing grounds for lessons in history, economics, and grammar with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender contributions.

The law mandates middle and high school students be taught about the contributions of the gay and transgender community throughout history but has left it up to local districts on how to most effectively teach that message.

The program has been met with mixed reviews.



  1. And just like I said, they would write laws like CANADA that will force you to use certain pronouns or go to jail...

  2. Man Bun @ Salisbury UniversityJanuary 10, 2020 at 2:44 PM

    Jake Day , like so loves this article

    like he like wants a like law here too

  3. I feel so sorry for people who have kids in public schools these days. This is just out and out plain BS.

  4. Just when you think we can sink no further ...

  5. Don't think that they won't do that in Maryland when they get rid of our Rhino governor.

  6. The Communist Manifesto

    It is all there. Just read it.
    For good measure also read:

    The Creature from Jekyll Island

    The Protocols of Zion

  7. Just how has gays contributed to History. The last I read two gays adopted a child - gays got devorced - kids really confused. Lack of love or because they were just gay. History 😂

  8. Oh how tragic for education. Students can barely find their way to the rest rooms, much less cope with the travesties of employment and life challenges.

  9. No damn wonder that New Jerseyians are like they are.

  10. That sounds something like Jake Day has been doing in our Wicomico County Public Schools. He has been pushing that idea on Dr. Hanlin so it should be introduced to the Board of Education this year.

  11. Will there be a straight lesson taught? This seems only fair and equal which is want the alphabet groups want.


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