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Sunday, January 19, 2020

MUST WATCH!! #Expose2020: Sanders Campaign Part 1; Field Organizer "F**king Cities Burn" if Trump Re-Elected



  2. Now this I believe.There is already people walking in circles who dislike the president.

  3. Burn the cities. Doesn't matter to me. Liberal cesspools anyways. They contribute nothing to this country...

  4. I do hope the FBI or Via are keeping an eye on this low life.

  5. DEMS dig their holes deeper and deeper...so stupid

  6. Don't think you should own a gun??

    These people HATED the last Trump result.
    They will be berserk over the next one.

    But, on the positive side, these dummies always burn their own houses and neighborhoods down.

    Cheer that.

  7. Anonymous said...
    DEMS dig their holes deeper and deeper...so stupid

    January 14, 2020 at 3:44 PM

    They are not Dems, they are Progressive Socialists. They are only using the Democrat ticket to get elected. Sadly the Democrats are too damn stupid to see that they are being used and taken over by these mental midgets who are too lazy to work.

  8. Does anyone else feel like hunting down that turd burglar and kicking his ass??

  9. Speaking of Vagina, I bet that bearded wonder has one! Jared Schablein and Jake Burdett does.

  10. lmclain said...
    Don't think you should own a gun??

    These people HATED the last Trump result.
    They will be berserk over the next one.

    But, on the positive side, these dummies always burn their own houses and neighborhoods down.

    Cheer that.

    January 14, 2020 at 3:49 PM

    Oh, I can not wait, Bring it on Cupcake!


  11. • Kyle Jurek, Iowa Field Organizer, Sanders Campaign: “I’m Ready to Throw Down Now…The Billionaire Class. The F***ing Media, Pundits. Walk into MSNBC Studios, Drag Those M*****F***ers Out by Their Hair and Light Them on Fire in the Streets.”
    • Kyle Jurek Suggests That Liberal Democrats Should be Placed in Gulags or be Put to Death: “Liberals Get the F***ing Wall First.”
    • Jurek: “Well, I’ll Tell You What in Cuba, What did They do to Reactionaries? You Want to Fight Against the Revolution, You’re Going to Die for it, M*****F***er.”
    • Jurek Affirms That “Free Speech Has Repercussions…There Are Consequences for Your F***ing Actions…You Should Expect a Violent Reaction. And You Deserve a Violent Reaction.”
    • Jurek Lambasts Elizabeth Warren, Suggests That Warren Does Not Deserve Support Solely Due to Being a Woman.
    • Jurek: “Like F**k if We Can Beat Donald Trump, as Long as We Nominated a Woman. Like F***ing Idiot. Like What the F**k? The World is on Fire. This is an Emergency Situation, and You’re Hung Up on Vaginas.”

  12. 5:02 - No they are dems.

  13. Trump people are terrified of anti-faciasts.
    Their "reign of terror" will last 24 hours at best and will consist of them burning down their own neighborhoods. And I hope Trump doesn't give them one taxpayer penny to rebuild.

  14. Why hasn't this punk been arrested for threatening people's lives??

  15. Looks/sounds like so much of Jake Day's Entourage

  16. I really hope that Sandars gets the nomination, and gets stomped on by Trump. Once Trump attacks Bernie and fillets him with facts, the socialist argument will collapse. Get the popcorn!

  17. Come get you some, boy.


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