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Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Mayor Jake Day Kills Off 400 Canada Geese In The City of Salisbury Maryland (7-14-19)

Hundreds of geese euthanized in Salisbury, meat goes to local shelters

Some leave constellations of droppings along the river, others down fairways, while others are watched happily as they graze.

But hundreds fewer geese are going to be seen waddling around Salisbury for the time being.

Kevin Sullivan of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Wildlife Services confirmed his team humanely euthanized 362 resident Canada geese two weeks ago, brought in by request of the city of Salisbury to manage "an excessive population."

"The city of Salisbury reached out to USDA Wildlife Services to see how they might manage an over-population of Canada geese throughout the city, leaving droppings and over-grazing, habitat damage (and) polluting waters," said Sullivan, director for Maryland, Delaware and Washington D.C.

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources conducts an annual waterfowl survey, and the estimated Canada goose population decreased by about 61% from 2018 to 2019 — resting at about 250,200 state-wide as of February estimates.

No estimates from Salisbury could be provided.



  1. Anybody know if the shelters actually got the meat? From what I've heard they day they didn't receive anything. So are we going to start murdering the homeless for their bowel movements. Or how about the ppl that litter let's kill them next.... Our how about the children when a family has more than 2 since we are so heavily populated let's take them out as Well!! When and where will it stop? Who had the right to Make those decisions?

  2. I suspect foul play.

    1. Haha! I see what u did there!

    2. Too bad they misspelled “fowl”

  3. I guess he learned nothing from the crap that went on in Berlin and how they decided to manage the geese population without killing them.

    Now he can add murderer to his resume.

    1. Think about it the next time you eat a burger, bacon, hot dog just to mention a few.

  4. oooowee what time do I line up for supper?

  5. Ironically all in time for the folked festival. Gotta pretty up the place before the 100K peeps show up!

  6. How do you “humanely kill” anything? I’m sure they had to trap them, etc and geese are so protective over their babies, just thinking about it saddens me

    I get it they make a mess and whatnot but the animal lover in me is still sad by this.

  7. July 9, 2019 at 3:14 PM
    he just be killing to make the place more presentable. he don't need to be justifyin because he is the big shot mayor of smallville. seems he dont read none either or he wulda found alternative ways without murdering defenseless birds.

    he will be showin them pearly whites on tv tellin us hicks how he knows better han us scrubs on what needs to be done to purty up the place for his taxpayer paid party come sept.

    dont you worry your purty little head about such things because jake day has it all under control, killing all dem baby birds that were just born this spring.

  8. They need to do the same thing to the geese in Hebron Woods. They have taken over the park! Crap everywhere! And they block traffic.

    1. That’s why Hebron Woods is actually a trailer park.

    2. So what does that matter?

  9. 3:18 gets the wit award today.

  10. July 9, 2019 at 3:50 PM Holy Hell Batman! Blocking traffic! How inconvenient and no better reason to kill a living thing!

  11. Gave the meat to shelters? Having trouble swallowing that one, pardon the pun.

  12. Never had this problem until they started requiring everyone to have storm water ponds everywhere. I say 400 not enough. they are invasive and destroy everything. Heaven forbid you run over one that won't move out of the road. The libs go crazy but that abortion is still ok. SMH

  13. Yeah! And what about the farmers that spray the field so the crop may excel? Plant life has rights, we need to stop all this killing!! I know it needs to happen, but the "happy little trees" in me leaves me sad. Yes, I'm being a wise ass but still the point has validity, I googled it for affirmation

  14. OK you Liberal Idiots, let's get down to the TRUTH on this matter. The Salisbury Zoo puts out 400 pounds of duck chow on the river each and every day. If you Idiots ever wondered why these geese aren't migrating, now you know. The Zoo is the problem. Now these Idiots are using the polluted river on the geese but it's these libtards who created the problem to start with. Then there's NO MENTION of the waste water treatment plant STILL NOT WORKING and that sludge is being dumped at the county landfill. Stop feeding these animals and encouraging them to stick around.

  15. Bring John Jacobs back. He'll fix it!! HAHAHA HAHAHA HAHAHA HAHAHA HAHAHA.

  16. I, too, live in Hebron Woods, and they leave piles of crap like a herd of cattle. If dogs had done the same fouling of roads and sidewalks, we'd be out for blood.

  17. Maybe PETA will go nuts over this.

  18. How about reinstating the "Death Penalty" and kill those who kill others or an accomplice? Kill a Police Officer or child and that is mandatory. That is just as humane and will reduce crime and gun violence.

  19. On the News tonight , Day said he didn't
    order it ! Well , who the heck did , if
    he didn't. Also stated was that the Salvation
    Army had received nothing thus far. Don't
    know about the Others, but would be interesting
    to know if they did or didn't!

    Geese are messy and multiply rapidly, but
    take a lesson from Berlin , MD. Why not
    try it their way . Beautiful creatures ,
    they are.

  20. City goose does not taste good.


  21. Were they dispatched by Jake's throwing strikes, like he did in Bawlmore?

    The notion that one of his underlings took this action without his blessing is not credible.

  22. The geese disappearance came up a few days ago and the mayor said he knew nothing about it.
    Conversation was printed on Next Door thread. When a lady contacted the USDA she was told the city ordered the geese removed. Again the mayor said he did not know anything. Either he is not telling the truth or he doesn’t know what is going on in his own city. We are still waiting for his reply as he said he would find out who ordered it.
    Transparency.......do we have it in local government?
    Also....geese normally are greasy dark meat. I seriously doubt after getting one goose no one would get in line the next time.
    I would like to hear the candidate running against Mr. Day weigh in on this debacle. As Joe has said in the past...the Zoo needed to quit feeding them if it had become a problem.

    1. This is Wayne King the candidate weighing in. For one thing, if it was on the neighborhood site Jake knows about it. He lives on that website. I know he does, until he had me banned for asking him too many questions, and then correcting his lies. (If I am not elected, boy oh boy wait and see what he has planned for the homeless. Get your wallets out!)
      As far as the geese, I find it appalling that they killed so many helpless animals. ESPECIALLY, after what Joe just enlightened me on about the zoo causing the REAL problem, and that Berlin handled it in a totally different way. Being an avid golfer I know about the issues with the geese on golf courses. The reputable golf courses use dogs to chase the geese away. They do not murder them! Also, I frequent the park at least 4 days a week walking my dog, and I never found the geese much of an issue. I have seen much worse.
      In the end though, Jake is a complete F-ing liar and really only cares about himself and his stupid, waste of money, folk festival.
      All I know is that he will eventually institute a city tax to pay for all his "drunken' sailor spending". He really doesn't care for the well being of the average citizen. This is why the cities ran by liberals are an absolute mess! Speaking of messes. Just wait until Salisbury becomes a huge homeless shelter. Yes, we will become a homeless sanctuary city. So, we have that to look forward to if he's re-elected, or is it re-selected. When he ran, he ran unopposed the first time.
      I was at the council meeting Tuesday, and they approved a whole bunch of streets to be worked on to get you bicycle lanes. It might be your street! So, go get that old dusty, rusty old bike out of the basement. When you ride please ride at your own risk, for there are pot holes to navigate around all over the place. Just make sure you stay in the bike lane for your safety.
      This guy Jake is a joke. I hope he debates me. I am going to kick his a**!
      On a better note, please attend my rally and free concert at the amphitheater on Saturday, August 24th. With enough begging I believe I can get Joe to be the MC for the night. Help me beg!

    2. You know you had me until until the cursing started. Why not state your point in an educated manner without the curse words? You will probably get more votes... be a better person than the current mayor ..,. THATS what people are looking for...

  23. Good, need to get rid of a lot more of them too, eat and crap is all they do.

    1. @9:51 PM - Don't suppose "you" eat and crap, do you? As far as I know "all" living beings do that. It's called "survival".

    2. 10:45 lol maybe you can train the geese to use the toilet.

    3. 9:51.. I don’t crap where people walk

  24. I haven't seen what this operation cost. I was informed about a government agency that would thin the population at no charge. No one ever got back to me so I could share the information. That's how it goes when you don't have to show a profit in life instead of a loss.

  25. Mayor Day knew all about it. Trust me.

  26. I really thought a lot of Jacob Day until this. It makes me sick!! They have a right to live just like we do, this is their home too!!

  27. Jake Day automatically goes to what he's best at, LYING!! "MAYOR DAY states the request to uthenize these geese didn't come from his office". Well where exactly would it come from idiot?

  28. No food bank has received any meat from this catastrophe. If Jake Day's mouth is open then liesare spewing out

  29. Mr. King you are absolutely correct. Jake Day has is about to roll out the red carpet for all the homeless, illegal immigrants and blafrican Americans. Has anyone seen his garbage mural yet on route 13?? The guy is trying to buy his way into Annapolis on Salisbury's tax dollars. You better give this guy Wayne King as serious thought. A conservative adult is much better than a progressive child leading the city

  30. He never took into account how Berlin handled their situation and Joe Albero has more of a grip on the causes and how we came to this situation and he had mentioned it prior to this slaughter. If you over feed wildlife be it animals or birds this is the result. Everyone knows even a feral cat or homeless dog will come to where it finds food and stay. Jake get your head out of your butt and learn again their are right ways to do things not just a hurry up solution because of your "FESTIVAL".

  31. The most damaging species on Earth is mankind. We have polluted and caused irreversible damage everywhere.
    But Geese are the culprits? Give me a break. Perdue and the waste water treatment plant ( which still isn’t working correctly) are killing the Wicomico river and surrounding waters. Millions of chickens housed by the thousands to live in their own litter for their 6 week lifespan and the chemicals sprayed on surrounding fields by farmers subsidized by the tax payers are more guilty! When will that round up and humane euthanasia happen? Let’s throw in all politicians and the greedy capitalist that put $ over all else in that group too. Then you will see some real changes. Goose poop doesn’t compare to the 4.5 pounds of trash each person produces everyday and that doesn’t include your poop! Get real!

  32. I dunno how jake gets anything done because he is parked all day on the nextdoor platform spinning his double talk and lies, most of which conveniently gets deleted once the opposer calls him out on his fibbing. Then he has his buddies troll the person when they disagree with master jake. And don't mention President Trump or the page master will have you blocked and your post taken down.

    Some lady called him out on his lies about the property tax increase he tried to impose on tenant properties only. jake was going on and on spinning his lie how he was trying to lower taxes when in fact that was only for the rich, because he was trying to raise taxes on the majority of residents which are lower income. when she boxed him in a corner with his lies, and stated population and tenancy facts, jake started to choke, and all of a sudden his buddy Chris pops in the thread and trolls the lady.

    jake spends a good amount of time lecturing people and handing out a special mix of jake day koolaid. It is amusing to watch. I was there when Wayne King took jake to task on his famous double speak and then ultimately Wayne got kicked out of the platform for being "too controversial" because he "challenged" the mayberry mayor and asked to many questions and refused a glass of jake day koolaid. Again and as usual, once jake ran out of lies his trolls came to his recuse and started trolling Wayne and anyone that stood up to jake.

    So much for free speech.

    The page master stated that the platform was there to converse on topics which the members found important. I guess what she meant was you could only talk about lost cats, recycle bins, and impending rain. Since she did not find political issues or community issues important, you were restricted from discussing them. Which opens up a whole can of worms about this ghetto city and lack of political involvement from the community.

    Also fascinating was jakes overwhelming need to stick his nose into and control every single political conversation. Members were not allowed to discuss anything among themselves without jake lecturing them as to his spin on the issue, even though we knew he was lying, he just had to control the conversation.

    I know someone who saved some of the conversations before they were deleted.

  33. 9:28, Jake Day's staff have been trolling this site as well as our Facebook site like there's no tomorrow. Any time we put up a post challenging Jake Day, this is what we get from his office. The mere idea that Jake is claiming the order didn't come from his office clearly PROVES he does NOT have control (by his own admission) of the City and what is decided. OR tat he just flat out lied and tried to pas the buck. Well guess what Jake, the buck stops at your office. Do you or did you support killing off 400 geese??? That's what WBOC, WMDT or the Daily Times should've asked!!!!! However, those organizations are now bottom feeders who couldn't care less what their viewers think or come to know.


  34. It was done for the festival, and it had to come from his office, because there was no other reason to do it. When you run out of lies the next phrase is "no comment"

    Even a half wit should realize this.

    Next he will be renting a floor at the Hilton to house the vagrants to keep them away from his party. Free food and HBO.

  35. Amen! You had me as well until then. Show some respect, not ignorance and immaturity!

    1. Because he said the word a**? Lol....come on....

  36. I know from personal experience that Jake Day has significant issues with telling the truth. None of this surprises me...except that 400 geese had to pay with their lives for his allegedly progressive city planning and "leadership."

    Day and the City have bet the farm on the flimsy notion that the National Folk Festival will turn Salisbury into "destination." Instead, it seems to be a place to leave! See: https://moneywise.com/a/ch-b/people-cant-flee-these-us-cities-fast-enough_jan2019/p-8?fbclid=IwAR2e2FeOrTyIltXwTlVM4TAx3NXgRm2ZhldB1llcajRO83TiKIjjF49E5J4

    Jake Day hosed me good. But, at least it didn't cost me my life.

  37. I feel this killing was HORRIFIC !!!

  38. I feel this slaughter was HORRIFIC !!

  39. Anonymous said...
    July 9, 2019 at 3:14 PM
    he just be killing to make the place more presentable. he don't need to be justifyin because he is the big shot mayor of smallville. seems he dont read none either or he wulda found alternative ways without murdering defenseless birds.

    he will be showin them pearly whites on tv tellin us hicks how he knows better han us scrubs on what needs to be done to purty up the place for his taxpayer paid party come sept.

    dont you worry your purty little head about such things because jake day has it all under control, killing all dem baby birds that were just born this spring.

    July 9, 2019 at 3:42 PM

    "he will be showin them pearly whites on tv tellin us hicks how he knows better han us scrubs on what needs to be done to purty up the place for his taxpayer paid party come sept.'

    Obviously you don't pay attention. Mare Day doesn't show pearly whites, all he has is some jacked up teefers!

  40. Jake Day better hope God is not a Canadian Goose. He'll have some serious 'splainin' to do at the Pearly Gates.

  41. Good riddance, I'm glad they're gone.....

  42. 8:41 What the hell does Hebron Woods being a trailer park have to do with anything? People live there and pay well for it, and it is truly overrun by geese and it's a mess because of them. By the way, 8:41 Hebron Woods is the nicest "trailer park" anywhere around here. It's a lot better than some of the towns full of rental shacks and trash. At least it's not run by slumlords and section 8 hoodlums.

  43. If you guys really think about it , Jake orders the 400 geese to be poisoned , gives the meat to the homeless , homeless people eat the poison meat and die of poisoning , homeless problem solved . Think like a democrat , antifa at its best.

    1. Not poisoned, gassed by oxygen depletion.

  44. I can imagine the conversation in Heaven:

    Hey god, the geese you created are polluting the water you gave us!

    Maybe we should give god a "re-do"

  45. So they processed 400 geese in a day or two... I smell bullshit

  46. The theatre of opposition right on cue. Those birds were becoming a nuisance.

  47. Does anybody know at this point if the Food Banks or Kitchens ever received the meat? I haven't heard since the original story and at that time no one had been given any of the meat.


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