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Wednesday, January 08, 2020

March For Our Lives Raised Nearly All Funding From Secret Six-Figure Donations

The gun-control group responsible for a 2018 march on Washington, D.C., raised the vast majority of its funds from undisclosed donations over six figures, a recently released tax document shows.

The March For Our Lives Action Fund, a 501(c)(4) "social welfare" organization launched in the aftermath of the deadly 2018 shootings at Florida's Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, is bankrolled almost entirely by large donations in excess of $100,000. The group reported $17,879,150 in contributions and grants over the course of 2018, its first year of operations. Ninety-five percent of those contributions came from 36 donations between $100,000 and $3,504,717—a grand total of $16,922,331.

More here


  1. Soros, bloomberg front companies.

  2. The commies in the country want your guns and make sure criminals have them.

  3. You naysayers have zero solutions to gun violence.
    NONE. Either shut up or work towards a mutual solution

  4. Mexico is a gun free country. Hows that working out for the millions running to our border moron. They had over sixty thousand murders in a five year period. Let that sink in 9:38. Go hide in your safe place and let Republicans do their job and clean up this country. I truly think Libtards are mentally ill.

  5. 9:38

    Hey dummy, it's not GUN violence. It's violence.....period.

    What's your solution to the violence other than taking peoples right to self defense away from them?


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