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Monday, January 20, 2020

LIVE from Virginia: 2A Rally


  1. JOE
    Trump needs to send in the military and ARREST THE TRAITOR COPS.

  2. My question is when this COMES HERE what will you do ? My bet is you will BACKSTAB the Residents ? ... Time WILL tell.

  3. They can make the cops lives miserable by refusing them service everywhere they go. Find out where they live and protest in front of their house. The cops work for the people, not any government. Teach them a lesson.

  4. 11:00 Exactly, that is exactly what they can do and I have been saying this for years!!!! Also do it to their families and friends so they will complain and make the cops lives even that much more worse!!!! All you have to do is be like them and claim safety, and having a gun around not being or feeling safe and make them leave... If you all stick together you can change this mess and survive thought the ass cheek sucking cop lovers who will try to boycott you...

  5. Make me governor and I'll make an executive order putting severe penalties/prison terms for any government employee that violates their Oath. Its time to clean house and put traitors behind bars, this will clean up tons of problems.

  6. Just remember this from the USSC: The police have no obligation to protect you.

  7. Wow, thanks, 11:00, that is the BEST grassroots power we DO HAVE. Let them know who is boss! The safest place to be today was OUTSIDE the fence with all the armed citizens shaking hands and slapping fives! Never felt warmer on a 26 degree windy day!

  8. This Demon-crat Gov don't represent MY Virginia !!!

  9. Impeach this Idiot !!!!


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