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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Literally "Dirty" Democrats! Baltimore Highest Sex Disease Infection in USA

For years, those on the political right have thought privately that their left-wing adversaries are "filthy." Now, there's proof: Baltimore, Maryland (Democrat controlled for decades) is the worst American city for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI's), with 2004 cases per 100,000 residents!

Democrats literally ARE dirty!

Data has revealed the Maryland city has 2,004 STI cases per 100,000 people, with chlamydia the most common infection.

In second place with a rate of 1,872 cases per 100,000 was Jackson, Mississippi, followed by Philadelphia, San Francisco and Montgomery, Alabama.

The data reflects statistics for 2018, when cases of syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia hit an all-time high in the US, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).



  1. Yeah, Baltimore has something else to brag about!!!
    We are # 1 !!!

  2. If Bernie doesn’t win can we request they burn Baltimore first? Please?

  3. I’ll clap to that!

  4. This is absurd. The take away here is that this is caused by Democrats.

    What has gone wrong here. What is wrong with you people.

    The article lists Jackson Mississippi as right behind it, along with Montgomery Alabama. It also lists TEXAS as one of the highest rates of STI's. IT SAYS THESE THINGS RIGHT IN THE ARTICLE.

    When, has the cognitive dissonance become so strong, that partisan poison so powerful that you can read the contradictory facts right after the absurd assertions and not be able to correct yourself?

    How about: In areas that there is low education and high poverty rates you find higher rates of STI's? At least that's honest and factual.

    What is wrong with people?!?!?

    1. We're just responding to 50 years of being called racist, sexist, homophobic. The left caused the divide with their identity politics. Sorry if you're not pleased with the results.

  5. 8:06
    Baltimore- has a democrat for Mayor
    Jackson - has a democrat for Mayor
    Montgomery -has a democrat for Mayor
    Killeen Tx - Did not list a party affiliation.

    Democrats control these cities why are they not lifting them out of poverty and educating them?
    This has been going on for decades. They don't want them to be self sufficient they want them to rely on the government so they keep giving them "free stuff" that in turn keeps them poor and uneducated.

    What is wrong with YOU!

  6. 7:53
    In theory that sounds good. However where do you think they will all move to? We have enough of the Baltimorons in this area already. We don't need any more.

  7. 806
    Thank you for your comments
    They reflect my thoughts many days reading here

    There are some extremely mind controlled people in this Country and the media is very powerful propaganda organ.

  8. Democrat control, they rape rob and pillage the cities. The more the pheasants live in filth, disease and poverty the more accomplished the democrats feel. They allow the violence because their goal is to reduce the populations. The more medieval it becomes...the more they feel like kings and queens. They NEED all this bad to make themselves seem good.

  9. Haha imagine thinking that a political affiliation causes STD's and not poverty and poor education. 8:06 and 8:51 are right. 9:16 is a shining example of cognitive dissonance.

  10. Northwest Woodsman: Ethnic politicians too busy trying to figure a was to steal taxpayer money and don’t have time to address the problems of their citizens. Challenge that statement!

  11. Start WRAPING that Ding up !!!!

  12. Dirty in every kind of way.


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