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Saturday, January 04, 2020

Liberals hate Trump's tax reform despite massive decline in corporate tax avoidance

Liberal media figures and Democratic politicians insist that the GOP’s 2017 tax reform was solely a massive handout to the wealthy. But in reality, President Trump and his Republican allies have been, through their tax bill, responsible for the biggest global crackdown on corporate tax avoidance ever.

Republicans accomplished this as part of their corporate tax reform, the same one liberal activists tell us is so terrible. You know, the one that supposedly only enriches stockholders, increases inequality, and so on.

For at least a decade, complaints have been made that Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, and other big companies haven't been paying enough taxes on their profits. Yes, they’ve paid everything they have to under the law, certainly, but that's not enough for many critics, given the way the companies took full advantage of loopholes to (lawfully) avoid taxes by stashing cash overseas.



  1. liberals hate everything Trump does, they would hate him even if he found a cure for cancer. They care nothing for our country, they are intensely focused on destroying Trump. End of story

  2. Why, it's. just what Sanders, Warren and AOC have been pushing, come to reality, by not their reality.


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