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Sunday, January 26, 2020

Liberal Propaganda At Its Best, Ocean City Wind Turbines

This is the kind of crap these liberals feed their people, yet they claim to be the kinder and gentler party. It's total BS! Fight this wind farm like it was the last thing you can do in life because it will cost you everything in the long run. Your costs to repair, maintain, electric bills will skyrocket and your property value will decrease, (unless you are the Mayor of Salisbury who doesn't give a crap about OC). I don't know who this Idiot Jared is, (above) but let's give him the attention this Idiot deserves. By the way Jared, it's an Italian company, not an American company. Just because they put USA in their name doesn't make them an American company.


  1. This is what you get when you have a bunch of un-educated morons living in your area who refuse to give two shits about anything... Always thinking nothing will affect them, when everything does or will at some point!!!!

    1. 9:02- so you're suggesting that we should have protested wind farms in other areas that have nothing to do with the Eastern Shore? And that we are all morons because we didn't? And now that it's come to our town we are stupid for fighting it? Your logic is flawed.

  2. You could place the Statue of Liberty directly in front of Jared and he would never see it. His head is so far up Jake Day's behind he only sees one thing. He has run for office twice that I know of and lost BOTH times. Poor thing still lives with mommy and daddy yet thinks he knows how everything works.

  3. With all due respect, what makes you think these propaganda machine liberals live in this area? Most came from the western shore and out of state.

  4. Turbine scams, climate change...like most all government endorse schemes are merely to put millions in their pockets while saddling/chaining you, I and our children to the debts.

  5. What a disturbing picture. Liberals love shock value, preying on emotions. The jobs that would last how long? Those that give up their steady job will only have short-term employment, then what? What about the cost of upkeep? How many other wind farms in the ocean are there, & how old are they? Anticipated life span? Replacement cost? How will wildlife be affected? Too many considerations other than the view.

  6. Schablein lives in wicomico o believe... he's not just a liberal.. he's a flat out socialist/ communist.

  7. I have screen shot of Jake in a conversation saying he knows MOST of the jobs are not coming to smallsbury and that they will be using the Baltimore port.

    Liar Liar pants on fire.

    Schalbeee is a moron, how does anyone not know this. Him and the rest of his section 8 I hate whitey gang.

  8. I wonder if Schablein stands to profit off of the wind farms.

  9. 2:44
    He still lives with mommy and daddy. It's part of his progressive agenda. Someone should give the brat a bar of soap and some shampoo.

  10. Schablein Jake's knoblein

  11. Joe, The Town of OC has spoken out against it.We know it would be bad for tourism. What about the Sports Fishing and Commercial seafood industries?
    There is substantial Maritime traffic,commercial,private and public that transit and make passage in that area offshore. It would have to have a detrimental effect also. I'm not up with the local knowledge like I used to be. What are your thoughts?

  12. This should make a liberals head spin since its from NPR



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