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Friday, January 03, 2020

Judicial Watch Finds Millions of ‘Extra’ Registrants on Voting Rolls – Warns Several States

Democrats sure love their dead voters so Judicial Watch is doing the heavy lifting to clean up dirty voter rolls as we head into the 2020 presidential election.

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch found MILLIONS of extra registrants on voter rolls in 5 states and sent 19 counties notice-of-violation letters warning them to comply with the law and clean voter rolls within 90 days, or face a federal lawsuit.

California, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Virginia and Colorado were among the states with voter roll issues.

Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Virginia are very important states that are in play in 2020 so it is imperative their voter rolls are purged of ‘extra’ registrants.



  1. May be how house republicans lost so bad.

  2. By hook or crook. The dimmy way...

  3. Again Judicial Watch is doing the work of government employees.

  4. So, I notice every cycle the 3 to 4 weeks bofore and election, my area is filled with out of state license plates. Hmmmmm.

    Dumbocrats are nothing but organized crime.

  5. It has to be the reason.

  6. After my father died (who was a devoted Democrat lever puller and contributor), I went to the local election board office with a death certificate and made them confirm his name, and my previously deceased mother, were removed from the voter rolls in Worcester County. They were. I only went to the election board to confirm, because the Democrat Party was continuing to send solicitations for money from my father years after he died.

    Of course, in Worcester county, voter ID or not, the polling personnel would recognize anyone that was not one of my parents. In those "blue" cities, those polling personnel are just making a one day bonus and have no clue whether the people giving them "their names" are even who they say they are. Oh yeah, Baltimore has a very large number of deceased people that continue to vote in every election. I guess Hillary thought she had enough dead people lined up to vote that she couldn't lose, even though she did win in Maryland (imagine that). Only Democrats oppose voter ID laws. For most Americans, its obvious why.


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