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Monday, January 20, 2020

Impeachment manager claims Trump attempted bribery, dodges when asked why it was not charge

Rep. Jason Crow, D-Colo., one of the seven Democratic impeachment managers prosecuting President Trump before the Senate, accused Trump of attempting to commit bribery in his dealings with Ukraine, but when asked why this was not one of the articles of impeachment, he did not appear to have an explanation.

Bribery is one of the specific offenses mentioned in the Constitution’s discussion of impeachment. The House impeached Trump for alleged abuse of power -- itself is not a statutory crime – and obstruction of Congress, but Crow insisted Sunday that the president was still guilty of attempted bribery.

“Yeah, specifically he did attempt to bribe and coerce a foreign government official, in this case, the president of Ukraine,” Crow told CNN's "State of the Union."

“Then why isn’t that an article?” asked host Brianna Keilar.



1 comment:

  1. This continuing and worsening farce will cause the Dems to lose even more voters.


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