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Wednesday, January 08, 2020

"If I'm A Criminal, It’s Open Season": Atlanta Police To Stop Chasing Criminals

In a country where the balance of power swings wildly between law enforcement and criminals, Atlanta has launching a program that as of this moment will let crime run rampant without and police officers in pursuit. Literally.

Last week, Atlanta Police Chief Erika Shields sent out an email to the entire police force notifying officers that the department will no longer chase suspects, in what is now called a "zero chase policy." According to WSB-TV, Shields cited "the risk to the safety of the officers and the public for each chase", and "knowing that the judicial system is largely unresponsive to the actions of the defendants."

Ostensibly, the change comes after public outcry following a deadly crash last month that killed two men during a police chase. The APD's response: halt all police chases indefinitely.



  1. There are counties that have the same policy. Would you want you or your child to be placed in danger due to some reckless criminal outrunning the cops? Follow the car with drones or an old school police helicopter. Departments also use GPS trackers that are stuck to the perps car like a batman gadget.

  2. Another female in charge making stupid decisions , feel sorry for the world.

    1. Yes, her name is "erika"
      Need I say more ?

    2. Hahahahaha my crazy still using drugs ex wife's name is erika. Same spelling!

  3. Don't chase makes good sense in some cases and some locations. Ocean City has only 3 ways into it (R90, R50, and North Coastal Hiigway. At each of these points, are License Plate scanners that can record your tag at up to 75 mph. Chasing a a violator of traffic laws puts citizens and visitors at risk. Identify the owner and mail them a ticket with the appropriate fine.

    This is not rocket science.

    1. What is they are drunk? Or just killed a baby and have a gun ? You saying do not chase for any reason even if the are likely to kill again??

  4. they don't need cars then.

    1. Maybe leo's are not needed at all

  5. Like I said , another female in charge making very stupid decisions . and 2:26 is right , they don't need cop cars , what a savings.

  6. Exactly 1:45 i smell opportunity foe a batman solution

  7. This will last until someone shoots a police officer

  8. Because this has worked so well in DC and Baltimore...


  9. Just trying to bump their stats to keep up with Baltimore, Chicago, DC, Detroit, Philly, and other Democrat mismanaged cities.

  10. That just tells me if you are going to commit a crime be sure to leave the scene in a car,preferably a stolen one.


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