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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Housing-voucher and guns bills are priorities for new Senate committee chair

A bill that would make it illegal for landlords to discriminate against voucher holders is the top priority of the new chairman of Maryland’s powerful Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee.

Sen. William “Will” Smith Jr., D-Montgomery, said he also will push to require background checks for private sales of rifles and shotguns, appropriate more funds to hire state prosecutors and address racial disparities in the state’s prison population.

Smith sponsored but withdrew the housing bill last session, when the committee was led by his predecessor, Sen. Bobby Zirkin, D-Baltimore County, who resigned from the Senate in December.



  1. What a f'ing idiot! Racial desparity in the prison system? Of which are you referring to that all inmates are black or all corrections officers are black? Hate to tell you Smith but the majority of landlords want voucher holders and in Salisbury they can't build cheap housing fast enough to accommodate all the recipients and the politicians get their kickback

  2. Yep time to leave

  3. Maryland's corrections department has become nothing more than an extension of the states gang problem

  4. I've lived in an area where voucher holders were forced to be accepted... Turned into a cesspool-pit real quick. The turds on vouchers didn't care about their units or the rules for safety and civil conduct! I left in a pretty quick hurry after seeing what it turned in to!

    Forcing a property manager to take a voucher holder is wrong - the property owner loses his right of freedom to associate (really to not associate) with people that have proven themselves to not care about their community and housing area!

    1. Agreed. Laws designed to circumvent the natural order never end well. My hard work has afforded me a nice home in a desirable neighborhood. Let's move them next to his home.

  5. As for as the illegal Gun Laws, Marylanders should check into a "gun trust" for their own security and weapon security. This trust takes your weapons out of probate when you pass and limits confiscation.

  6. Not only do they want background checks for private sales, they also want background checks if you die and will your guns to your children!!!

  7. Meanwhile in Baltimore

  8. You can tell when your once nice neighborhood is being taken over by African Americans. The grass is dying because the A.A.'s are now parking on the grass in the front yards instead of the street or driveways like Ghetto'Bury. Jake Day has asked their Code Compliance officers to ignore the city code and give their slumlords like John Cannon a break.

    The next time you ride through Salisbury just take notice at how many people are parking on the grass as close to the front door as possible instead of on the hard surface? It's incredible how bad Salisbury now looks since Jake Day has been the Mare. WTF are our code compliance officers doing these days if they are not enforcing the code?


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