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Friday, January 24, 2020

House impeachment managers say Senate acquitting Trump would look 'rigged'

Three of the House impeachment managers presiding over the impeachment trial in the Senate claimed that if the Senate votes to acquit President Trump, it would lead to the belief that the process was "rigged."

Democratic Reps. Zoe Lofgren of California, Sylvia Garcia of Texas, and Val Demings of Florida said that if the Senate votes against removing the president from office, it would not completely exonerate him, in part because he was still impeached by the House, according to NBC News.

"It seems to me, if there's not a full, fair trial with witnesses, he may get an acquittal, but he's not going to get an exoneration," Lofgren said in the interview, in response to a question about whether an acquittal would be touted by the administration as a victory. "It's going to be seen for what it is, just a rubber stamp to get him off the hook."



  1. IT's hard to believe that Democrats are so consumed with hatred that they really want to remove the best President besides maybe Lincoln this country has ever had.I guess it's because he committed the ultimate sin by beating queen Hillary.

  2. 9:10, Lincoln was one of the worst presidents,and we are still suffering from
    a lot of what he did.

    If this circus looks rigged,it's because the Dumborats were rigging it from the start.

  3. The House rigged this complete process by not doing what the Constitution required them to do. They turned it into a Democrat campaign for the 2020 elections using US tax payer dollars. They should be held accountable for this election law violation and pay the government back all expenses related to these hearings.

  4. 9:57 in regards to your negative comments regarding President Lincoln, with no details , clearly demonstrates your lack of historical knowledge. You may want to begin to increase your knowledge of the “One for the Ages” as stated by his Secretary of War, Stanton, by reading “Team of Rivals” by Doris Kearns Goodwin. And after that your choice, as more books have been written about him than any other person in our history.

  5. Just when I think those idiots couldn't get any more stupid. So, to the democrat impeachment managers, many who are lawyers, every trial is "rigged" when the prosecution loses their case. Even worse, they think someone believes them. You have to be an idiot democrat voter to believe their crap. Let just take a vote now on term limits for these old congressmen (and women) that have lost touch with reality and the electorate.

  6. Yeah, because the House proceedings weren't rigged. Get over yourselves Lefties!

  7. Republicans are wimps I said it 3 months ago the senate will have a full blown by rules trail on total BS.

  8. LMAO, and Pelosi threatening to impeach him 2 1/2 years before they did is not "rigged"? Are you that Ill-informed or just a die hard liberal who believes this bullsh*t?

  9. These top Democrats have been rigging it all for the last 3 years. Since before he was even elected, it escalated after he won. That was a big no no and they have not gotten over their anger. Be ready November when Trump wins again, they will take to the streets & riots will break out. Be prepared but do not let this stop you from voting. Its the only way right now to save the nation. Get these traitors out.


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