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Friday, January 03, 2020

Helping vets ‘get comfortable being uncomfortable’

A decorated former Green Beret has dedicated himself and a team of “heroes” to seeing that service members successfully reintegrate into American society after returning from Syria and Afghanistan.

Having been deployed three times to Iraq, Jason Van Camp has become acquainted to life in a war zone. While involved in numerous firefights against the enemy, he witnessed one team member killed in combat and several others wounded.

“My Special Forces team and I have gone through quite a bit,” the former U.S. Army soldier confesses to OneNewsNow.

Van Camp says he has always been intrigued about how differently soldiers process their return and reintegration back into society after serving in a war zone.

“We’ve all seen the same stuff, but some guys have a really hard time with it and some guys don’t,” he observes, then asks: “[But] why does one guy struggle, and another have no issues?”


1 comment:

  1. I understand completely. My problem is I’m surrounded with men who have never drew a weapon while under attack but they all act like it’s so easy. Hard to deal with.


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