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Wednesday, January 01, 2020

H2o Punks Need Not Ever Return To Ocean City Maryland (10-6-19)

Every one of you know me and my style, I tell it like it is and these unruly punks are criminals who need not ever return to Ocean City Maryland. Oh I'm sure there were some kind and gentle kids in the group but I challenge you to show me where they were because this weekend was out of control. It destroyed businesses outside of cheap nasty food like McDonald's and Burger King where the patrons don't have to tip for service. 

I've been asked if these people were good or bad for my business this past weekend. I will post a sign next year stating I DON'T WANT YOUR BUSINESS. These kids scared the crap out of the entire Eastern Shore residents to the point they stayed home. They raided WalMart by parking hundreds of vehicles everywhere and using the parking lot like it was a sanctioned car show. They finally had to call in the police and have them all removed, it was crazy. They weren't there to shop or build economic development. They were there to take over and control, period. 

Hopefully they come up with a solution to keep these punks away from here at all. ANYONE defending these punks in comments clearly did not visit Ocean City this weekend and or they're one of the very punks that hide behind anonymous who were a part of the havoc we had to deal with. 

So the Mayor of Ocean City claims he's going to search for a solution. Here's a start. As they come over the Rt. 50 and Rt. 90 bridges, test the decibel level of their exhaust first. Have them rev their engines right then and there and if it's too loud make them turn around and leave. That will get rid of 95% of these illegal vehicles right out of the gate. It will also create a backup so long it will hopefully discourage them from coming or returning. 


  1. Oh, shut up Grandpa! I'm sure you weren't the angel you expect everyone else to be, when you were growing up. You sound miserable, bitter and jealous to me.

    Your time has came and gone!

    1. we were no angels but we had the good sense to go somewhere away from people to act a fool. You punks feel entitled to do whatever you choose with no repercussions, well that’s not how life works sonny . Your attitude towards life has condemned you to be a bum your entire life

    2. He put his name on it. Man up Mr Anonymous, lmao

    3. I’ll call your bluff.. time and place tough guy

    4. H2oi show was great! All the old fools whining. Can't wait until next year!

  2. I completely agree - judging from the Mayor's remarks released to social media, it sounds like he will be requesting a limited state of emergency, which I would guess, would involve National Guard troops. That being said, it was not that long ago that troops were brought in at the request of the Mayor of Baltimore to regain control and maintain peace.

    As for intercepting and completing vehicle inspections/checks/etc., I'd think that would need to be done at the bay bridge and then someplace else locally. Also, I would think that this would need to be done as well near the the DE/MD line (Fenwick 1 and 54) and do the same thing. Just turn them all away.

    Like others have expressed, I have no idea what the solution, or even if what I and others have proposed is legal. However, this was beyond frustration over a couple of car kids. Joe nailed it with his comments - Hopefully the powers that be will have something in place and put a final, decisive stop to this.



  3. A special event noise ordinance would be a great start but they also need to have sobriety check points on coastal highway in both directions in several locations. ocean city has to make is so expensive they never comeback


  5. 10:23, I, (and many others) would agree, we certainly were not angels at your age. Here's the difference though. We didn't purposely intimidate citizens and or police officers by outright breaking the law. We obviously didn't have social media back then that gathered tens of thousands of people with the purpose of flat out encouraging breaking the law. My generation RESPECTED, (and still do) the law. We came to Ocean City as kids and cruised up and down Coastal Hwy doing the speed limit with our classic cars and guess what, we had a blast each ad every time. My generation of "angels" were in fact angels compared to you law breakers. Keep talking smack and watch what happens the next time you try to overtake our Eastern Shore. I'd say "your time has come and gone", not mine.

  6. Noise Ordinance ???
    That means Bike Week would be cancelled also.
    If they are going to Test Decibels, do it for
    all, and all the time. Not just special events.
    I do not agree H2o, but I don't like the sound
    of Harley Davidson's either, and any other loud
    motorcycle. Lets also include the loud music
    coming from cars, another noise ordinance that
    is not enforced.

    1. They can enforce it whatever event they choose

  7. I doubt you’d ever close or refuse service to make a buck, just like every other business that has allowed our town to prostitute itself into this mess.

    1. What’s wrong with earning a living?

  8. 10:53, I own two Harley's and my exhaust is not stock. My bikes are louder because I must let other automobile drivers know I am present. Motorcycles are at times very difficult to see but one thing is for sure, you can hear me. I do not have a loud exhaust because I'm a tough guy, a punk tat is out to break the law. Bikers are a whole different breed of civilized people, many of which are police officers who own bikes. We do not block off roads. We do not terrorize citizens. We do not get on social media and encourage ALL bikers to do burn outs because if we all do it they can't catch all of us. You were a gang of THUGS who purposely broke tons of laws. You are protected by tons of steel and seat belts. You do not need exhausts that are not only extremely loud, they backfire as you Idiots downshift on purpose. Stay away from Ocean City.

  9. 10:54, You are wrong. I did not go into business to be a prostitute for money. We saw a blighted business we felt could be brought back to life. If we were in fact whores we could've simply sold the 2 acres for a HUGE profit and walk away. Instead we have invested millions of dollars and have proven to the community it van be done all the while creating a ton of jobs, economic development. We are the perfect example of the many other really cool businesses in West Ocean City. We see a major future on this side of the draw bridge and we, (like so many others) will do everything in our powers to make sure situations like last weekend never happen again. Let me say this as well. The Worcester County Liquor Board put incredible FAITH in our business by gifting up a special event permit bike week. We went to every financial extreme to make damn sure everything went perfectly. To the point we even hired Secret Service Agents that roamed incognito around our property to make sure everyone behaved. We had retired police officers there as well, all four days. The sad part for us financially was, we actually didn't need them. Bikers NEVER got out of hand. Your H2o people were completely out of control. Big difference people.

  10. No one, and mean no one, is going to implement some king of law, policies, or statement that is going to keep this H2O event and these punks from returning to Ocean City next year or the year after that. The only thing that will kill off H2O is to place speed cameras every quarter mile up and down the full length of major roads in OC and cameras at every stop light and ticket the hell out of every violation. You need to break the puck’s piggy bank with speeding and moving violation tickets that they will not return due to cost, points, insurance, etc. a few thousand dollars in tickets will change the venue. Of course this means that locals who get caught speeding during next years H2O event will face the same consequences but be warned in advance. This is the only way to stop this, but it will take a few years.

  11. There is a big difference when it comes to the bikers. Although some bikes are loud the vast majority of the bikers courteous. Lets not forget the multitude of charity rides that go on during the bike events that raise money for Veterans, Cancer research, and many other charities. Bikers also spend money in the restaurants and stores. The complete opposite of these idiots in the cars. They just raise hell. You'll be hard pressed to find retired soldiers, active Physicians, practicing attorney's, and business owners among these loud popping nuisance machines as you see with the bikers. That's not to say you won't find a few idiot bikers but as someone stated earlier it's harder to find the non idiot car people.

  12. I wish there was an app that I could upload video of law violations with tag numbers to the police and a ticket would generate

  13. Whatever it takes to make it not happen again...

    The Mayor and council need to act (or quit).

  14. I live in Virginia Beach, and we dealt with these exact same issues here in the late '80s and early '90s during college week/greek week. The pics I've seen and the videos being shared are reminiscent of nothing short of a riot. Feel free to google: 'Greek Week in Virginia Beach in 1989'.

    Although we haven't completely 'fixed' the issues, we did identify as a community what the problems were and over the years have improved how to address them.

    Some of the ideas were simple:
    - limit the number of times a vehicle and cruise the strip during peak season. This one, although met with some resistance, was suggested by businesses as well as emergency services, as the gridlock from cars made it a problem for customers as well as emergency services to go to a place of business... or save a life. Violators were often ticketed and vehicles could be impounded.
    - better structure in terms of entertainment and points of interest. This provided ample focus for visitors so they didn't stand around and loiter.... and end up being a part of the problem. The recent concert by Pharrell Williams (something in the water festival) was proof of the concept that having a strong structure and working with the city benefited all involved. Several events and points of interest were developed over the years to help promote a positive structure for the public as well as ease of policing for public safety.

    Some other ideas are contracting with local towing companies as stronger ordinances in regards to parking were put into play. During peak season towing companies have towed vehicles that police cite and/or don't comply with local city ordinances.

    By removing and limiting the number of vehicles - and/or managing vehicular flow has helped out tremendously.

    Also, working more closely with Hotels as to planned events and knowing overall what is going on in terms of potential unsanctioned situations happening was a big plus (much of this was pre-social media).

    Fines, although standard, don't always do much. Often teenagers don't care about fines, as their parents would just pay it... But add license revocation as well as cars being impounded tend to make them think twice. (the process to get their car back can take some serious time away from the oceanfront the next day).

    Many of these your local city council can institute and act upon pretty easily.... then the city manager and local law enforcement should address appropriate pain points to manage traffic-related issues.

    These, as well as other entertainment points that can be provided - should help provide a sense of direction and stability to make it easier for the crowd to know that there is solid structure in place and there are rules that are to be followed.

    It also provides a way for people visiting to understand that the City is wanting to have visitors and the business they bring, but there needs to be a better sense of decorum.

    Virginia Beach has become a 'family-friendly' place for visitors to spend their vacation. Ocean City should be in that direction - regardless of whatever 'unsanctioned' thing happens.

    The biggest topic through all of this in our city was public safety and the ability of the fire department and ambulances to get to a call quickly and easily. When that was promoted more, the general public started seeing the other issues more. After all, if the streets are blocked and someone is in distress, how can an ambulance get to that person when the streets are gridlocked.

    At the end of all of this, I'd highly recommend the Ocean City folks reach out to our Chief of Police as to what we've done to address these issues over the years and what steps Ocean City could do.

    I really hope Ocean City overcomes all of this, as I look forward to visiting there soon. Blessings and Good Luck!

  15. To 10:51: Right on!! And I agree with you, Joe.

  16. Hello Joe, as a business owner in Ocean City you have direct input to your city and county councils. Have these people pass an ordnance outlawing any burnouts,the vehicle will be immediately impounded for 48 hours, the driver fined and a inspection certificate to be presented to local law enforcement certifying that their vehicle is safe to drive. Place this on those large sign coming to Ocean City so these people will be warned.

    1. How can a car be inspected if it is impounded ?

  17. Joe you are 1,000% correct. These thugs came for the express purpose of destroying Ocean City. They got pissed off because the event was banned while others were allowed to continue. Bike week, Jeep week and classic cars never set out to absolutely destroy Ocean City in retaliation. These punks treated employees who waited on them in restaurants with such disrespect. A lot of waiters and waitresses did not receive tips this past weekend. Plus they ruined the wine festival because they terrorized so many people on the road. As far as their stupid cars, they are lucky that the police didn’t actually shoot someone. In some of their videos their cars sound like gunshots. With recent mass shootings law enforcement is very on edge as they should be. These thugs and punks need to realize that this will be the last time they come to Town and try and destroy it like they did. No other groups behave like this and for them to compare themselves to them is ludicrous and insulting. They were reckless and they are sooooo lucky someone wasn’t killed. The Town officials are pissed, the police are pissed and most importantly the residents of the Eastern Shore are pissed. We can’t stop you from coming but we damn sure are gonna make sure that you will never act like the thugs you did this weekend. Next year I look for the National Guard to be here. I also think impounding vehicles and locking you guys up for the weekend would be a good solution. I can assure you ALL local departments in every county will be happy to make room for you in their jails. Yes Ocean City is a resort town but never has any group done more damage or caused as much hell as you. So congrats you will be shocked next year when you show up. You reign of terror in Ocean City is over. The Residents of the Eastern Shore aren’t putting up with this bullshit any more

  18. Well said.
    A simple vehicle safety check (like they do for commercial vehicles) will be a great start.
    They all argue that we are trying to take their fun away.
    So, wait a second... they use our property, ruin our streets (our taxes), destroy property and blow apart all noise ordnances, and we're taking their fun away.
    They can suck on their tailpipes!

  19. 11:54, I am a west OC business. I deal with the County Council or Commissioners. Ocean City, (the island) has their own set of rules/guidelines. While these events do in fact effect west OC businesses, as west OC grows there may be a need or even a desire to start networking with OC officials. It would be in every one's best interest, future wise. I think what throws everyone off is the police presence, state, county and even federal being on the island supporting their law enforcement. My hat is tipped to ALL of these unconditional officers who did the best they could with what they had to deal with. It had to be a very frustrating weekend. Like my business for bike week, many lessons are learned. Mayor Mehan is being proactive by addressing this problem immediately. Some may call it Monday morning quarterbacking, I don't. A very bad example was set this past weekend, just like hurricane season they need to address it immediately and figure out the best solution possible or they will lose total control of the island. Let me finish with this statement. To Governor Hogan, Ocean City is the second largest tax revenue aside from Baltimore in the entire sate. An immediate press release from your office should have already been spread along with examples that were made against these unruly young adults. It's about accountability and just what THIS STATE will do to assure this huge tax revenue gem will be protected. Our legislators need to come to the Mayor's rescue and come up with fair, common sense solutions.

    1. Mehan is in the real estate business. Hes been in oc tax collector for how long now? Guess the term limit conservative movement doesn't apply to him. I cant tell you how many great real estate investments the town of OC could have had during his reign that were shut dowm to keep his good ol boy system going.

      You want to be pro active? Dont put 10000 police on the streets ready to imprison every person they see.

      Actually be proactive.
      Set burn out pits up and down OC ask for local businesses to run them since the town obviously just wants to arrest everyone. Imagine if the kids were welcomed! The inlet was set up for them, businesses set up for them LIKE THEY DO FOR EVERY OTHER DUMB A$$ event this town has. Instead you sent out 10000 power hungry cops to show them whos boss and the kids pushed back.

    2. Uh, what? Who assumes liability when these people crack up a car or run over spectators? There is a reason this behavior is illegal - it’s dangerous

  20. Who's bluff? I'm getting lost here

    1. Look out there’s a keyboard warrior fight going down take cover... this is how this generation fights lol

  21. Hey punks. I got Joe's and community's back on this one and I'm 39 so I'm not much older than you. Respect your elders and the community. If you want a time and place 5:15pm at the Salisbury Walmart tonight. I'll wait for you. I bet you punks don't show.

  22. I read a Facebook post of a teenage girls Mom who said her daughter works in Ocean city and was just trying to go home after her shift when these H20i people took over the street and wouldn’t let her through they terrified her trying to get in the car and rocking it and damaging the car

    1. that's why you need to carry a weapon

      kaboom.... H2O punk is over

      I rather be judged by 12

      rather than carried by 6

    2. Oh, that’s perfect. Be a vigilante and shoot someone - what a wonderful idea from a true brainiac. How about you instead keep your childish comments to yourself while the grown ups discuss solutions.

  23. There was an amazing amount of trash left everywhere. It wasn't just a certain area either. It was from the boardwalk to rt 90 and probably beyond. Plastic bottles, cans, fast food bags and the list can go on. Wonder how much of that will blow into the ocean. Terrible.

  24. The Virginia Beach ideas are nice thoughts, however, it’s apples and oranges. Ocean city is a totally different kind of layout and many of those solutions simply won’t work due to the logistics.

    I do think strong loitering enforcement is critical, unfortunately that only works with way more law enforcement available. I’m not sure where that comes from.

    As radical as it may seem, have we thought about closing lanes down? The police could park right in the closed lanes, could also put city trash trucks and other vehicles in the closed lanes. Limiting the volume for the whole island would funnel vehicles into limited areas allowing law enforcement to cut out “front of line problems”. The traffic was so thick, the only problems were the cars at the front of the stoplight. If you make that two instead of three or even one, it paralyzes a lot of the activity.
    Doesn’t fix the problem for locals, however, it’s fair to say everybody is ready to abandon the island that weekend anyway. It would create traffic beyond belief, but emergency vehicles and buses would still have their lane, and the lull in volume would surely bore the viewers.
    Also, encourage the businesses to get more aggressive with towing enforcement, really engage eastern shore tow companies.

    How about fire hosing the spectators?
    Ok that probably wouldn’t fly but, these folks only do what they do to be seen. Take away the views, take away the problem.

  25. Set up cameras everywhere with audio recording capabilities, analyze the videos and issue tickets/fines/summons for reckless driving, noise violations, safety Equipment Repair orders, reckless endangerment etcetera. Time can be taken to make the pay for their crimes.

    1. You really are part of the problem. Sounds like China is the country you are looking for retirement in. I will gladly pay for your one way ticket commie.

  26. when are all the old cronies going to learn.
    you want every one's money at all of these events.
    but you don't want to give them a time or place to do the things that they like to do.
    why don't you give them some events and places to gather and have law enforcement on hand to kept the peace
    things like : burn out contest
    donut contest
    music events
    more car shows
    I am sure there are hundreds of things to do in O.C.
    let's make sure every body has a good time

    signed by old crony who like to see fast cars doing anything
    but going slow

    1. These kiddies come to Ocean city to use and abuse and leave they are unsanctioned and unwanted if you want to see fast cars go to the race track . We have children driving on the streets trying to get home and should be allowed to do so safely

  27. Impound many of these rice burner POS cars and make them pay big bucks to get them back. Have a contest among LEOs to see who can write the most legitimate tickets/fines

  28. Bunch of punks ruin it for cruising and bike week.

  29. OC is limited access in and out. Tell me again why they cant create temporary road blocks ANYWHERE in or around OC?

    If residents want a solution than they also need not complain about said solutions.

    #1. use the traffic lights and re calibrate them to a much less efficient driving experience. Ensure that cars go no more than several block before having to stop.
    #2. close off a/some lane(s), create traffic calming areas or set up road blocks backed with spike strips.
    #3. set up some cameras. and plater readers. I know you have them, its a police state. Start using them as they were intended.
    #4. Grow a pair.

    This whole thing is about a group of people that don't want to follow the rules and very little more. I dont care how you treat the ones that simply dont get it. They are the ones that really need to get it.

    1. As low as the cars sit maybe putting in large speed bumps

  30. I can understand why one would think comparing OC to VB is like comparing apples and oranges. To some extent, I agree. After all, VB isn't an island town.

    Just asking that you keep an open mind as to possible solutions.

    With over 20 years of logistics experience, I know there are potential logistical solutions to help address issues. Some may be easier than others.... and no matter what may be presented and implemented it will take some time to sort out the details as it pertains to your City.

    Please know that whatever solutions are being presented and implemented are being seen from around the world. The question is more legacy oriented on what you want Ocean City to be known for, and what do you want to do to have a constructive solution to make that happen.

    If our local VB city officials can help... I hope they can. If not, at least it's worth a shot.

    1. Good information but these people Come to create havoc and that is all they do

  31. Jersey barriers in the streets, opposing lanes, every block on Baltimore Ave and St. Louis Ave. Then MASSIVE police presence on Philadelphia Ave. Impound and arrest, triple fines. Problem solved.

  32. I think and I know when, I think I am dangerous, but one of the biggest problems to the whole situation is adults. Think about it, these kids come to the beach in a soupped up rice burner that daddy and mommy bought them to get them out of the house so they can go to their clubs and drink. When I was a kid I worked for my ride, and yeah we knew where the back roads were that we could go to and have fun, but GOD forbid that I got caught and a cop called my parents there would have been HELL to pay. These kids wear the trouble they get into as a badge of honor and their parent's could care less, unless junior gets put In jail then the cops are picking on them.

  33. $1000 minimum fine per offense... car impound 48 hours advertise that everywhere possible,on signs heading into town,etc

  34. They are coming back in two weeks....check their Facebook posts.

  35. Joe Albero, this might be the only time I have ever agreed with you. And I do wholeheartedly.

  36. This is what happens when you have an unsanctioned event attended by young and immature people. They have no respect for the rules, law enforcement, or other peoples property. Unfortunately their actions affect the other car events which is not fair.

    1. But the mayor loved the $$$$$ wink wink.

  37. I'm going to pass along what the city of virginia Beach did in regards to anti-cruising laws...


    This law has been in effect for over 25 years -


    Now, it may not seem like a lot, and it may sound like a logistical nightmare... but the reality is that these laws provide opportunity for law enforcement to search vehicles and potentially fine and impound vehicles.

    In the late 80s and 90s, the amount of teens 'cruising the strip' caused many riots and even more important, congestion and gridlock... that made it near impossible for emergency services to reach someone in distress.

    Since these laws were passed, it is now known that if you're going to the oceanfront, there better be a good purpose on being there. Just sitting around an/or cruising the strip and causing mayhem often results in being arrested and cars being impounded.

    It ain't no joke here, and the officers, businesses and citizens near the oceanfront work together and have many open meetings to address common problems and issues...

    There are solutions - this one seemed ominious and daunting - but it does provide appropriate tools for law enforcement to legally take action and to be able to be proactive.

    In short, it works.

  38. lots of impound these cars.

    Impound to Where? There is no place extra to impound here on our 10 miles packed island.

  39. If they're fined, they won't show up , so
    what's the point. There has to be something
    stronger to be done.

  40. Why people still use to read news papers when in this technological world the whole thing is
    presented on web?

  41. That airport in Ocean City can be put to good use when these vehicles arrive every year. Let them do their burn outs and donuts and have their contests there instead of on the streets of OC.

  42. oc got what it wanted $$$$$ so they don't have much to spend, stop crying!

    1. What money was made from these hotdog eating methheads ???

  43. Put a florescent sticker, say 4"x on the 4", on the vehicle's outside window. This will show that this vehicle is illegal in the town of Ocean City. This could be done at the three entrances to town. If subject vehicle is outlawed in town, impound it. Charges for impounding, storage and violation offense should certainly be a deterrent thereafter. If vehicle not claimed within a legal time period, it goes to auction.

    1. Um, yeah... that will work (sarcasm)

  44. Sure some weren’t Antifa?

  45. At the Draw bridge

    charge each car coming over $75.00

    I can bet a number of these spoiled punks dont come to our town

    1. Um, what about Rt 1 as most come from NJ.... another brainiac bites the dust

  46. I'll tell you what OC's problem is, it's their outrageous fees, ordinances, taxes, and regulations. IMHO - the entire OC municipality has been out of control eversince Mayor Kelly left office. I say this because I know -first hand - as I worked in OC for more than 10 years. The current OC goverment formation -basically stripped the Mayoral powers and the town and residents have suffered ever since. At the end of the day, the residents have been enslaved by their OC government. My advise - stay out of OC and do business in West OC.

  47. Maybe they should plan to have "Redneck" week the same week as the H2O week. After a few of them run under the trucks maybe they will get the hint.

  48. Simple solution. Road blocks at route 50 bridge, route 90 at st Martin neck, and route 54 and ocean hwy. Turn away non residents or any car that is not “approved”. Traffic will be a bear getting in, but once in you’ll be golden. Police can concentrate on staffing the roadblocks and not on chasing these idiots around town.

  49. 7:11 - now that's funny right there (in my best Owen Wilson voice)

  50. Not a legal solution in the whole bunch of comments. It's like everyone has suddenly become communists.


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