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Sunday, January 05, 2020

Gov. Hogan plans to continue accepting refugees in Maryland

(WBFF) -- On Wednesday Governor Larry Hogan’s office released a letter showing that Maryland will continue to accept refugees in response to a new executive order from U.S. President Donald Trump.

This is the letter that was released by Governor Hogan's office:



  1. Hogan is just an older fatter Jake Day such a looser.

  2. Send them to Baltimore. It's already a 3rd World City.

  3. Who is going to pay for them being here?

  4. I hope you keep them on the western shore instead of sending them to the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Salisbury has enough crime here let alone a bunch nasty immigrates who's primary objective is free everything. Jake Day and the slumlords love the free housing paid for by taxpayers. Keep that trash over there with the Baltimore trash.

  5. Hogan is an A number 1 Ahole for doing this. Larry I hope you read this.

  6. Good ole Hogan the Communist, aiding and abiding criminals from foreign countries rather than upholding his Oath to his own Country, State and citizens. Treason.

  7. Are his pockets big enough for all that soro's money? Traitorous whore.

  8. Keep them on the Western Shore!

  9. Those true colors shine when he no longer has to lie to get your vote.

  10. Jake Day will welcome them with open arms and put them in those new apartment buildings being built all over and how about the 13 story one approved to be built on Main Street.

  11. What's the alternative , an actual Democrat?

  12. Why do you numb nuts think Jake day is pushing apartment complexes all over the city and pushing city annexation so far out into the county??

  13. His true colors shine when he dosent have to lie to get your vote any more.

  14. Hogan gives them anything they want just like the Democrats, including Driver Licenses. I was very close to a head on collision on College because some illegal asshole ran a red light. I would have been suing MD and Hogan plus the complete Legislature for allowing this to happen, since they probably have no insurance. At least with a Democrat we would know we were getting screwed instead of sneak attacks from Hogan.

  15. He must protect the future democrat voters, the uniformed voter is their only chance to rule. Everyone else has seen the corruption.

  16. Md is FULL !!! Find some other country to go to !!!!

  17. “Properly Vetted Refugees”. What are properly vetted refugees? Are they persons that arrive here by boat from Cuba? How are they vetted?
    What will be done with those that fail the “vetting process”? Jailed? Sent back? Referred to I.C.E.? I am sure Hogan has all this figured out and will respond accordingly, LOL. With such comedic remarks and position by Hogan, he may want to consider stand-up comedy, because he is definitely very funny, but at our expense.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Send them to Baltimore. It's already a 3rd World City.

    January 2, 2020 at 1:15 PM

    WBAL's Jayne Miller said that was a good idea since people were leaving Baltimore City. She is a freaking flake anyway.

  19. Fat Larry the RINO needs to keep let them move in with him.

  20. John Cannon wants them to come to Salisbury so he can get those Rental Housing Vouchers so they can move into his slum properties.

  21. By Hogan's second year in Office I knew he was a piece of $hit and I didn't want anything to do with him any longer. I think it's funny when I see clowns on FB with their profile pics with them and RINO Hogan in it.

  22. Well you can bet your bottom dollar if Hogan wants RINO's Mary Beth Corroza, Carl Anderton and Chris Adams will be pushing for them to be moving in Wicomico County.

  23. I lived in Maryland (PG county) and (Wicomico county) for over 35 years. You don't want to go to PG county (too many immigrants w/section 8 apartments). In Wicomico county especially Eastern shore - a lot of immigrants from Middle East. Whatever power you have you must stop this abuse. Their are other States that bgsve plenty of room for them - mid-west.

  24. GOODBYE. Hogan. You are one of the biggest RINOs MD has had. Why don't you do as the people of MD who voted you in want, not just Baltimore City and county?

  25. Deport Md's Democrats to start with !!!! Problems Solved !!

    MAGA !!!

  26. He should have them jobs in his home and feed and care for them all and when they do crimes like murder, rape and forced entry beak-ins, he can take a lesson from Jake and declare there is no #1 crimes like is done by Jake in Salisbury. I think he and Jake took courses together in how to screw the state, cities and counties and do nothing but fluff events like festivals.

  27. This is fine as long as Hogan brings them to his neighborhood.


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