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Wednesday, January 01, 2020

From the Wicomico County Executive, Bob Culver, regarding County Council’s May 3, 2019 press release: (5-5-19)

From the Wicomico County Executive, Bob Culver, regarding County Council’s May 3, 2019 press release:

I completely disagree with the County Council’s press release dated today (May 3, 2019). I am especially disturbed by the last paragraph in which Council seems to assert that they can take action against my department heads. Council has no such authority until or unless a court grants them that authority.

Below is the unsigned press release. 



  2. Anonymous said...

    May 3, 2019 at 3:37 PM


  3. That was not on my ballot. I do not recall any of that saying it was adding too. I thought it was changed when I saw the question on my ballot.

  4. I pulled my sample ballot and this is not what I voted on.

  5. County employees should not be used as political pawns. Shame on Council.

  6. I bet if this goes to court they will find that the language used in the summary that was voted for will be the law.

  7. Unfortunately this back and forth from the Council on certain things that don't really matter in the long term, is one of the main reasons very important items become stymied. This continual quarreling by the Council and their leadership is incredibly frustrating from a tax payer perspective. No wonder aspirations of the Department leaders to move Wicomico forward to it's potential, as lead by the County Executive typically falls by the wayside because the Council simply doesn't want to inform themselves and perform their elected job duties. Very frustrating and frankly a waste of time for everyone involved.

    1. TYPICAL wicomico county. Vote continuously for the same POS people. Then continuously bitch about EVERYTHING they do. Smh.

  8. "I am especially disturbed by the last paragraph in which Council seems to assert that they can take action against my department heads."

    I read the last paragraph over and over and I can not see where the council said they can take action against YOUR department heads.

    1. Do your homework and read the whole case. They did off their own dumb a@@ lawyers legal advice. And that man makes Council look really dumb. It is like he got his law degree from a cornflakes box. None of his cases even directly pertain to the situation.

      Reality is, why the heck would Council even care? It is the Executive’s operations.They are just causing drama again, which makes them look like really stupid.

    2. My read is that it is. That is horrible and governance.

  9. Why is Council sneaking this mess in behind voters backs? This was not in any information that I received as a voter. They are not being transparent to the voters. Council will lose in court.

  10. Why they going so hard after Directors? I heard they want fire them all just to make the Executive look bad. That’s front line staff that keeps day to day doors open. What a shame.

    1. The big liability will be getting employees involved in Council’s political nonsense. Even more attorney fees with the many law suits they are causing.

  11. Is there a mechanism to recall John Cannon for incompetence?

    1. Great question how would we remove Cannon?

    2. Cannon is incompetent. That is why he stirs all this political garbage to cover up his incompetence. Looking at the agenda, looks like they are correcting another piece of legislation that they screwed up. Poor Bob for having to deal with this nonsense.

  12. As a city employee, I can say I actually think the city council and mayor work better together than the exec and county council do. It's ridiculous. I, for one, will be voting in new representation on the council next time around. Culver is a bit of a wanker at times, but he seems to have the best interest of the county at heart. County council just seems to continue to make power plays and cause unnecessary roadblocks.

    1. City council AKA selling tax payer property to the Gillis for pennies on the dollar ? The same dirtbags that are wasting $ on gay art work the same idiots that gate businesses ????

    2. Read what I said, you sound dumb. I said the 2 branches of city government work better together than their county counterparts. Nothing about what they do. Stop whining.

    3. Go away city worker. We have seen your ASININE existence in the past with your city. You LIE about your directors because your ALL SCREW UPS!!

  13. STICK TO YOUR GUNS BOB!!! John Cannon is a slum lord punk!

  14. It is my understanding the Joe Holloway is siding with Cannon now...Can someone Confirm This?

  15. Am I reading all this right? Council has their own attorney, there is a County Attorney that represents them both, and the Executive can not have an attorney. Council can fire the County Attorney if he does not say or do what they want. That is a conflict if interest. Something is wrong with this situation. 6:50, I am with you, BOB STICK TO YOUR GUNS!

  16. Cannon has undoubtedly asked Wilber for his opinion. Wilber undoubtedly gave him what ever answer Cannon wanted. He's that kind of lawyer.

  17. I am sorely disappointed in Bob Culver. Once again, Mardela High School gets screwed. They were supposed to get all these goodies, then suddenly, oooops, not enough money for it. Imagine that. I don't see the city schools getting cut back on anything. It's such a shame but it's always been that way and I had high hopesd that Culver would have kept his promises and helped out Mardela High with some much needed upgrades, but I guess a politician by any other name is still a politician. Mardela High has a great bunch of kids. You don't hear of fights, assaults and teachers being assaulted in the classrooms like in the city schools, but I guess our kids don't deserve better since they are not in Salisbury.........thank God!

    1. They want their cake and eat too. What did you think was gonna happen when they got an additional 800k for Dr Hamlin program? And all the money that the Kirwin is gonna cost? It has to wait unless you can raise revenue ie taxes.


  18. The Charter amendment did not/does not serve the interests of citizens. That was clearly never a consideration in the minds of those behind its intent and drafting. It was designed to usurp the power and responsibilities of the County Exec.

    Council members behind this will squander money to perpetuate their needless food fight. Citizens should let their council rep know how displeased they are with this whole scheme.

    No problem with Council approving new hires and certain promotions. But this is just useless mischief.

  19. O h my God, is the Council acting out
    again . I am so sick and tired of their
    sobbing/moaning over nothing just to stir
    up problems for Bob .
    Please Council , will you Grow up or step
    down from office -----you make our County
    look ridiculous to others out there!!!

  20. I pulled a copy the of the ballad off line and what I voted on it NOT what is in thier press release. Why cant they just own up and say they made a mistake? It happens to everyone bc we are human. Instead we as tax payers are going to have to pay to see an end to this.

    1. Exactly I was one who voted against it anyway. But what council says they meant was not on the ballad. I’m sure it will go to court. All the department heads should get tiger and sue.

  21. Mardela High School Also the highest ranked school in the county academically!

  22. Cannon seems to be no different then Pelosi. Get the hell out of Culver's way. You are a LEGISLATIVE body, start acting like it. If you, (Cannon) want Culver's job, run for it. In the mean timed, get out of his way and remember, the voters elected Culver and clearly the voters are NOT happy with you right now.

  23. I agree. Mardela school deserves so much more than it gets. It's about the only high school, other than Delmar, that doesn't make the news in a negative way every week. They get rewarded by getting shafted at every turn. Still good kids though.............just don't live where the "pretty" people do. It truly is shameful. And here I thought Mardela was still in Wicomico County. Are our tax dollars not worth something?

    1. I never heard that Mardela was not getting the school. I thought it was a few years out and in the planning stage. Also, Imagine 2022 was the superintendent’s priority.

      Just ask for a raise in taxes or go away. There are other important services in the County too: public safety, heath, roads, etc. You and I both would complain of you did not have those services too.

      SMH....all these projects take planning, patience, etc. The County has done a lot for the schools and my understanding is he plans to continue. Yet, never enough.

  24. Anonymous said...
    As a city employee, I can say I actually think the city council and mayor work better together than the exec and county council do. It's ridiculous. I, for one, will be voting in new representation on the council next time around. Culver is a bit of a wanker at times, but he seems to have the best interest of the county at heart. County council just seems to continue to make power plays and cause unnecessary roadblocks.

    May 3, 2019 at 6:36 PM

    Oh really? Is that why Culver and Day despise each other. When is the city going to pay its fair share to the county for using the GOB and the parking lot?

  25. Anonymous said...
    City council AKA selling tax payer property to the Gillis for pennies on the dollar ? The same dirtbags that are wasting $ on gay art work the same idiots that gate businesses ????

    May 3, 2019 at 7:07 PM

    AMEN to that!

  26. Anonymous said...
    The big liability will be getting employees involved in Council’s political nonsense. Even more attorney fees with the many law suits they are causing.

    May 3, 2019 at 7:15 PM

    Um... What lawsuits are you referring to? Please name 1?

    1. 7:15 come out of the rain.

  27. Anonymous said...
    Go away city worker. We have seen your ASININE existence in the past with your city. You LIE about your directors because your ALL SCREW UPS!!

    May 4, 2019 at 10:55 AM

    Thank you. The majority of city employees are scum at the bottom of the barrel.

  28. Anonymous said...
    Read what I said, you sound dumb. I said the 2 branches of city government work better together than their county counterparts. Nothing about what they do. Stop whining.

    May 4, 2019 at 6:07 AM

    Actually you sound dumb. The City council and Mare has never gotten along and we have had horrible mayors including Dingleberry Tilmon, Jimbeau Liarton and Gay Day. The only difference in Gay Day and the current council is Jack Heath and Manure Bota are nothing but Rubber Stampers that have been tring to undermine Bob Culver and the County ever since Manure Bota accidentally got elected. Hopefully someone will run against that Liberaltarian.

  29. Anonymous said...
    Mardela High School Also the highest ranked school in the county academically!

    May 4, 2019 at 7:49 AM

    Rightt! NOT!

    1. Um, yeah it is. MMHS 110 and JMB 122

  30. Anonymous said...
    Am I reading all this right? Council has their own attorney, there is a County Attorney that represents them both, and the Executive can not have an attorney. Council can fire the County Attorney if he does not say or do what they want. That is a conflict if interest. Something is wrong with this situation. 6:50, I am with you, BOB STICK TO YOUR GUNS!

    May 3, 2019 at 7:12 PM

    Bob Culver appointed Paul Wilbur, the County Attorney. The council confirmed the county attorney, that is that law. Paul Wilbur is the County Executives attorney.

    1. 7:12, you are incorrect. Wilber represents both sides, which is a conflict in matters like this. Research it, 5:24 is 100% correct. Wilber is a conflict.

  31. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I am sorely disappointed in Bob Culver. Once again, Mardela High School gets screwed. They were supposed to get all these goodies, then suddenly, oooops, not enough money for it. Imagine that. I don't see the city schools getting cut back on anything. It's such a shame but it's always been that way and I had high hopesd that Culver would have kept his promises and helped out Mardela High with some much needed upgrades, but I guess a politician by any other name is still a politician. Mardela High has a great bunch of kids. You don't hear of fights, assaults and teachers being assaulted in the classrooms like in the city schools, but I guess our kids don't deserve better since they are not in Salisbury.........thank God!

    May 3, 2019 at 8:50 PM

    The last time I checked the city doesn't have any schools, they are all county schools.

    Some people sound dumb when they don't know what they are talking about.

  32. 5:27
    I understood what they were saying. Why can't you? There ARE schools in the city and they always seem to get the funds. The schools are not funded by the city but they are still located there. It never made any sense to me why they would bus all the kids from other towns into Salisbury instead of building schools in their towns.

  33. 5:27......You are one who sounds dumb. It is common knowledge that Salisbury schools are in Wiconico County, but they are still in the Salisbury City limits, except for, I guess, the new Bennett school below Fruitland. It's funny everyone understood what the writer was saying except you. So, who's the dumb one here?

  34. Bottom line - every administrative action enacted or signed by a current Departmental Head - is null and void and of no legal effect. The law is the law.

    1. That is silly. It is this simple:

      Not under the new law. Comprehend the change. The new law is the new law. The voters have spoken. Just because there is a new stop light in Pittsville, my defense when running the light would not be it was not there 6 months ago.

    2. Good job Bob Culver. You are not only protecting your employees from Council’s political power struggles, you are enforcing legislative transparency to the voters. We applaud and support you.

      Council just does not seem to get it. We are tired of the nonsense and want to move forward and make progress. They appear to have the inability to know how to do so.

    3. My solution would be for Council not to call upon any department at all. Do it themselves since they seem to think they know it all. Based on above their would be no point to it. Council needs to grow up, be faithful to their own role and leave the employees out of their cry baby drama. Their actions are not of leaders. It is a dysfunctional embarrassment that is counterproductive to County operations.

    4. Internally, Cannon has caused chaos and disruption to operations since holding that seat as Council president. The employees do not like him at all and are fed up with it. New Council leadership is needed.

  35. Culver cannot spend money for schools or anything else not approved by the council. Your disappointment should be with the county council.

  36. Wilbur is just like any other lawyer. He beats around the bush and speaks in lawyer tongue until a law text is pulled out to define the situation. He will retire finely as a result of the executive and council disagreements and power plays.

  37. What council wrote in that press release was not on anything I received for voting. My family and I only received a ballot. I am not sure what advertising they did but it was not mass communication. I checked and I nor my family or friends saw this. I did not get any other literature besides my ballot. It is a change and council is wrong.

  38. To John Cannon; This stress and unprofessional behavior that you are projecting towards Bob Culver is very stressful for the employees of the county. Bob was re-elected by the voters of the county, therefore, they must believe he is doing a good job. You never cease to amass me with the bad behavior you demonstrate towards Mr. Culver. You continue to stir the 'shit pot' to keep trouble brewing. My thoughts, 'Those who stir the shit pot should have to lick the spoon'! You attempted to sneak an amendment past the voters (last minute) now you're being called on it. Mr. Culver has tried to mend fences with you, but you continue the trouble making. You should be removed as president.

  39. John, as a past employee of the county, when I first meet you I thought you had the best interest of the county at heart. Through the years, after Bob Culver was elected, I saw a different side to you. You have become so obsessed with hurting Bob Culver you'll step on anyone to accomplish your agenda. Bob is good for the count and I've come to the conclusion that you are bad for the county. The 'pissing' contest you're having with Bob needs to stop. Your behavior is detrimental to the county.

  40. So what happens if they don’t confirm appointments? Doesn’t the change with amendment make them regular county employees now? I’m not sure what the council is trying to do here? Are the department heads not doing their jobs? Does the council have the vote to put them on the breadlines simply because their names weren’t put on a piece of paper for their head nod?

  41. When I look at the county budget proposal the ONLY county employee didn’t get a raise was Culver. That tells me something. I will vote for Culver all day long. Now Cannon or Dodd? I guess Kilmer is getting out just in time. Maybe we should bring Julie Brewington back in the mix cause these guys don’t know a thing!

  42. Wicomico County voters elected Bob Culver as executive for a change of how the county government is run. John Cannon apparently has a problem with Mr. Culver and fights him over everything. Nothing can be accomplished for the county until John stops fighting Bob. John attacks certain department heads for supporting the executive. John seems to have zeroed in on anyone that he feels is working for the executive. John, STOP the FIGHTING. You should be working with Bob for the county.

  43. Anonymous said...
    Internally, Cannon has caused chaos and disruption to operations since holding that seat as Council president. The employees do not like him at all and are fed up with it. New Council leadership is needed.

    May 5, 2019 at 12:26 PM

    This is the biggest lie on here. Cannon nor the county council is involved in the day to day operations of the council. Try again.

    1. Council as legislators and Executive as operations is ideally how this form of government should operate. How come this is hard to comprehend because that is not what is going on. 3:36 is right because it is broken. It is not all Culver. Council needs a new leader. Enough and stop because it time to move forward. If Council would be open to that concept they may quickly see a huge difference. John maybe a good guy but not a good council president. I do not understand why the rest of the members do not see what we do.

  44. Anonymous said...
    Culver cannot spend money for schools or anything else not approved by the council. Your disappointment should be with the county council.

    May 5, 2019 at 3:07 PM

    Another big lie. The council did not cut Mardela High School out of the budget, the County Executive did.

  45. Its not a lie. The comment says SPEND money on schools or anything else without council approval, that is true.

  46. You want Julie Brewington on the county council? Have you bumped your head? Are you Nuts? You think there is fighting now, with her and her outbursts and rants and idiocy, it will only escalate. Brewington is a mess and a accident waiting to happen. She is in no position to serve on the County Council. The county can do better then that and i hope they do for the sake of all of us. Brewington is still a drunk and had not even tried to get any help for her problems. I say NO to Brewington! What do the rest of you think about that? Brewington on the council, the mess that she is?

  47. Anonymous said...
    Its not a lie. The comment says SPEND money on schools or anything else without council approval, that is true.

    May 6, 2019 at 3:59 PM

    The county executive does not spend money on schools. The CE approves the budget submitted by the BOE and creates his own budget. That budget is submitted to the council and the council approves or cuts. The spending is done by the BOE. DUH! Their disappointment is because CULVER cut MMHS out of HIS budget! DOH!

  48. The constant conflict brought by Cannon towards
    Mr. Culver reminds me of our Government of the
    United States. Tearing down Culvers reputation
    seems to be Cannons main objective, for what ever
    reason ! So small of him and his other cronies
    on the Council . Don't think the County residents
    don't recognize what's going on either . John you've
    had your day , it's time to " leave the building!"

  49. Who else is watching this tonight?? Now closed session on Dept head issue? 11 front line staff gone? This all Male council is going after female department heads and why??? Closing session??? What happened to open meeting standards?

    1. They are because they are scared if her intelligence and their own ignorance. Who knows? But, they should be forced to explain why.


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