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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Florida nine-year-old is arrested for 'attempting to murder his five-year-old sister by stabbing her multiple times while shouting "die, die"'

A nine-year-old boy in Florida is facing an attempted first-degree murder charge for allegedly stabbing his five-year-old sister multiple times while saying 'die, die'.

The boy claims the thought of killing his sister came into his mind a few days previously and he couldn't stop thinking about it. A judge has ordered an immediate psychiatric evaluation.

His sister was airlifted to hospital but is said to have been alert and conscious after the attack.



  1. If he is Old enough to become a tranny. He should be old enough to fry. But no last smoke for you those things will kill you.

  2. If he is Old enough to become a tranny. He should be old enough to fry. But no last smoke for you those things will kill you.

  3. Was his name Chucky ?

  4. If he is a dumbocrat, it will just be excused.

  5. Florida man has offspring... It's now Florida boy

  6. Might be time for an exorcist.

  7. That poor girl. Imagine never feeling safe around your brother. Never being able to sleep knowing he is still around.

  8. No sympathy or tears for this boy he needs to be tried and jailed as an adult. Hope he never gets out it would only get worse as he gets older. They say if anyone kills pets they become serial killer, so what do you think he would do to anyone he doesn't like?

  9. And 9 years or less from now, that "boy" will be out looking for more victims.

  10. You have to wonder what the hell happened to make a 9 year old so violent

    Is it parenting or mental illness? maybe both? It's scary!


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