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Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Fight Today at Local Middle School Sends Student to the Hospital (3-31-19)

WARNING: Graphic violence and language

Sent in by a viewer: Straight from the warzone zoo that is Salisbury Middle. Happened today. Kid is on his way to the hospital…..


  1. It may not be perfect but you would not find a ghetto fight like this at any of the private achools in the area... I work 2 jobs and sacrifice a lot to send my kida to a school that doesnt oownly deal drugs, have fights like this , or needs security and police daily

    1. No. You simply wouldn't hear about it. Gotta keep up appearances.

    2. People are just as ratchet there and fight ther they just are in the hush about it

    3. Nope doesn’t happen in my
      Kids school. I am in there daily and he would tell me if it did...

    4. The only reason this fight happened is because he was defending his little brother who the boy who went to the hospital beat up before that

    5. The incident between him and the little brother happened months ago and that was all started by the little brother. So how you gonna defend someone months later?? And then both brothers continued to threaten him. And for no reason. Stop making excuses for bullying!

    6. The boy that got sent to the hospital was my best friend and people said he was gonna win, but its absolutely insane. Everything was fine until some students from Bennett middle came

    7. Yaw don’t know the full story so yaw can hush

    8. Yaw needs to got too skool.

    9. What is a "Yaw"

    10. Yes it started months ago when the other student was bullying the little brother!! But you won't hear about that when he jumped on the little brother on the bus in left marks on him where's that info and pictures of that y'all won't hear about that SMH one sided story every time when the kid stayed to his self and was new to the school the kid kept coming for him he's the bully picking with every body at school and nobody correct him it was all good for him to do what he been doing SMFH this system is fucked up!!!

    11. First off If u want to talk about bullying, let's talk because the one that was bullying was the boy James whom was bullying the six grader which started a altercation between the 8th grader James and the 6th grader. Then he went on bragging about how he beat up a 6th grader then he tried to threaten his brother the 8th grade but he failed to realize he met his match and got what he was looking for, yeah granted the video doesn't show how the boy James kept taughting the boys brother and telling people yeah he goin beat him up and do this and that but got what he wanted!!!!!!!! So if u want to talk facts let's talk

  2. It may not be perfect but you would not find a ghetto fight like this at any of the private achools in the area... I work 2 jobs and sacrifice a lot to send my kida to a school that doesnt oownly deal drugs, have fights like this , or needs security and police daily

    1. Just remember drugs and addiction don't discriminate. It happens EVERYWHERE.

    2. I have a kid in private and one kid in public. It was their choice.My one goes to Bennett And he tells me every day about the fights, the drug dealing, the disrespect etc. the one that goes to the private says this never happens in his school . I am Forcing my public school kid next year to go to private I can’t risk my kids safety anymore

  3. Ridiculous! This behavior is happening in ALL of our schools. People need to wake up to the fact that our public schools are not safe for students or staff.

    1. Lol when I was in middle school/high school in the 90s the same stuff went on. Kids fight, it happens.

    2. Nothing funny about a kid being taken to the hospital.. smh he could of died from head injury or something. Would you be laughing if it was your kid?

    3. I don’t think it’s funny but it happened when I was in middle school all the way back in the 70’s. The way of the world. Learn from it. How not to act 101.

    4. I agree, not funny that someone had to go to the hospital but its been happening for years. I had a teacher throw me against a locker for something I didn't do and its life, deal with it. Freaking sissys. Dont need to cry and run to the hospital everytime you get a bump or bruise.

    5. Wow smh. Maybe you should know more details before you comment. In this case he was covered in blood and had to get his head stabled shut and stitches over his eye. I don't think he had a choice but to go to the hospital. And as you can see even after getting beat in the head he turned and tried to get ahold of the other boy as the teachers broke it up. Not a sissy He's my friend and he's tough and he's very nice he was set up he really thought the other boy wanted to talk it out like he was told during class but instead he got hit. I give him props for wanting to talk it out instead of fighting.

    6. No he got what he wanted his butt whipped

  4. I hope the parents of the child that got hit presses charges and the other parents are made to pay hospital bills! These kids are ridiculous!! And why the hell do they video it? Then they wonder why drop out rates rise, tests scores are low and prison systems full!

    1. I have pressed charges several time on kids that have asauasted me (as a teacher) and the county will always drop the charges. A juvenile will never have any punishment in this county. The kids are running wild and they are ignoring it. Our principal will not even come to our part of the school or return any emails about discipline. Pathetic.

    2. They can press charges but he wasn’t the one who started the fight.

    3. Teacher lady, if you press the charges it is your choice if you drop them or not. County or BOE has nothing to do with that.

      From Teacher Man

    4. Teacher Man. Just curious. How did you know she was Teacher Lady pressing charges? I missed it.

    5. As a teacher lady, shouldn't you know how to spell assaulted?

    6. this school is letting kids get in a fight they need to step up for real🤦🏾‍♂️

    7. It clearly shows him hitting him first and the whole time so how did he not start it?? I feel horrible for that mom that has to watch that happen to her son on video and people posting it like it's awesome :(

  5. So unbelievably sad. Send this to the Dept of Justice, the Governor, the State Superintendent of Schools, Civil Rights Office & NAACP. This is ruining our city and county! Who would want to send their kids to our schools or heaven forbid, try to teach them?

    Bob C, Jake D, John C, Sheriff ML, Greater Salisbury & Chamber Members: THIS is the absolute worst thing about our area and CAN NOT continue! YOU must do something now: MANDATE, LEGISLATE & ENFORCE!

    It is waaayyyy beyond WCBOE! Our safety, home values, quality of life, work force, employment & economic future pathetically spirals downward daily with this in our schools. It is beyond a U-TURN if YOU don't act NOW in a very big way! I am ashamed and scared and have no kids of school age.

    1. Look at my post Joe put up 2 days ago about schools not writing up thug bullies they got away with it under the Obama rules and are still doing it.

    2. I've worked in education almost 20 years. It is concerning to go to work and watch what happens almost daily. We can do nothing. Our job is to teach in a safe environment. But, the students make it unsafe. Send referrals. Nothing happens. The students know that! They tell you that. Sadly, there is little to no support from home.

    3. Oh yes...send this to the Dept. Of Justice. People do your research, theres a mile ling document ( agreemenr) between the Dept. Of Justice and WCBOE. If you want change you better start knocking on the doors of the DOJ because theyve tied Wicomico County's hands!!!

  6. That's what 220 million dollar budget will get you, LMFAO

  7. But, we need more money for schools!!

  8. We are letting the leftist destroy our way of life. WHY?

  9. Where the bullies Written up so swept under the BOE RUG .

  10. If I lived in the Hebron area my kids would not be going to SMS. I would do whatever I could to make them go to MHS. Any little innocent girl could of been standing there or walking by and got knocked out..And let me guess the kids will not get in any trouble because they are special education kids. They will be charged by the cop and DJJ will release then to parents what a joke..

    1. Special Ed kids. Haha actually if anyone knew this story they would know that that white boy earlier this month attacked the black boys younger brother. He deserved it. The black boy didn't attack the white boy. The white boy was standing there ready for it and still got knocked out. It would be a real shame if they pressed charges

    2. See how much you know.. the white boy hit the little brother back in December after the little brother constantly bullied the white kid. And the white kid was told by the black kids friend that he wanted to talk and that's what the white kid was waiting for he thought they were gonna figure out who was starting rumors on them to fight but instead they set him up because they all punks and have nothing better to do than beat up on people.

  11. Kids are kids and I don't care if private or not when they ready to fight or do drugs they aren't going to pick which school.

  12. You guys are over exaggerating how dare you insult our school.

    1. Thank you! It makes me so mad to see these people say trouble things about our school when they aren’t even there everyday. They only pay attention to the bad and not the good!

  13. But we need more money for an art school

  14. The people at the board simply do not care about the safety of our kids. All they care about is the numbers. We just found out that a student that was sent to alternative school months ago because of a fight is now coming back after she got in three fights there. One where she asaulted an administrator. Sending a violent student back into Parkside. Great job board of Ed. I'd say we need totally new leadership in every board position. Clean house.

  15. Let's see, have your kid beat up or raped by a school employee, way to go Wicomico Schools!

  16. As a mother of an SMS student, this is terrifying. Kids shouldn’t be going to school every day wondering what kind of hell awaits them! Parents and faculty need to work closer together to help these kids!

  17. Now taking suggestions for school alternatives? Thinking of pulling our kid out of that hell.

  18. The kid that won had every right to fight him. You don’t know what the white kid was saying and if you did you would understand why he fought him

    1. What was the white kid saying? Do you know?

    2. I don’t care what the “white kid” said.. words are never a reason to fight.. and excuse me if I don’t believe a word of what you just said.. the boy doing the hitting should be arrested, and kicked out of school.. they need to open an alternative school in Salisbury and whenever a child bullies are fights, they should be sent there.. no second chances, first time offenders GONE..

    3. I’m a student at SMS and the white boy was the one who started it. He was talking trash to the other boy. Also I would like to inform everyone that most of these fights are planned and they only do it for attention.

    4. Because you think it is all about race. Because the "white boy" started it ill care less? I dont care if its a white black or any person period acting like that around my kids. I dont want my kids around it while they are young and in a learning environment period. The circumstances of the fight or the people involved is irrelevant.

    5. Words are not a reason to fight. If you live like that you will be in prison. People talk *hit all the time.
      You have to be better than that.

    6. I'm also a student there and the white kid beat up the black kids brother earlier and was talking trash to the black kid about how he just had beaten up his brother. And no charges are pressed for that? The white boy attacked the brother who I may say was younger though it was outside of school and no charges were pressed. That's what needs to change.

    7. The younger brother was punched one time not beat up.. and why was he punched?? Because he was constantly bullying and making fun of the white boy. And it did happen on school property. And the mother was gonna press charges against the white boy but then she found out that it was her child that was harassing the white boy which cause him to punch her kid. Get your facts straight!

    8. I am a student at sms and the "fight" happened a long time ago, the black boy decided to start stuff up again and 99% of the students and staff knew it was going to happen but didnt say or do anything until it was too late.

    9. How do u get bullied by a 6th grader he needs to grow some balls

    10. A 6th grader that failed and is just as big as the white boy. Doesn't matter what grade he in no body should be bullying anyone!!

    11. They ride the same bus and the 6th grader was constantly throwing stuff at him and threatening him. When is enough enough. I would 0f had my child punch him too if no one was doing anything about it! Shame on that kids parents for letting them continue to bully this other kid!!

    12. He threw the first punch because of how cowardly he is. Sticks and stones, remember?

    13. March 28, 9:29. What needs to change is you little punks need to get your little butts spanked like they used to do years ago. You brats need to be taught a lesson. Put in your place.

    14. Boy the LIES people can tell and make up the the boy picked on the brother every day that his big brother didn't ride the bus the boy picked on him know the truth before posting smh it's always about race with people smh

  19. This is why we moved to Ocean City, MD!

  20. https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/education/bs-md-wicomico-doj-agreement-20170201-story.html

    and this why kids get away with everything. The NAACP and Dept of Justice have Wicomico County Hands tied because this discipline agreement June 2019, the KIDS Know IT!!!

    1. PBIS at work... Positive Behavior Intervention System is the behavior model that was imposed on the county. It is meant to provide counseling to students instead of disaplining with suspensions. This happens all too frequently in our schools because the kids know there are no real consequences for their actions. If you can do it, get your kids out before they are victimized.

    2. Hell with the NAACP. They are just protecting thugs. They had best keep their hands off my child.


  22. I know the situation and the boy that was hospitalized was bullying the one kid and had beaten up his little brother earlier in the school year (a 6th grader - both boys are 8th graders). Not saying it is right but he isn’t a victim and had provoked the other boy all first period

    1. How's that go? Two wrongs don't make a ?what?

    2. So if you had a brother that was getting beat up and you were also getting bullied, what would you do. Saying “can you please stop” isn’t gonna do anything sweetie.

    3. That boy doesn't get beat up he got punched one time for being a bully.

    4. Thankyou finally someone knows the story all these ignorant parents want to sit there and talk all they want but they don't know the back stories

    5. The 6th grader did not get beat up. He got punched one time. And if he was taught not to bully other kids and pick on them then he would have never been hit in the first place. That 6th grader bullied that white kid for months and the white kid finally had enough of it and stood up for himself. That's the back story all because of some punk 6th grader running his mouth constantly to older kids. Then his big brother waits months to attack the white kid. Smh

    6. Know the story please!!!! It's all good for the 8 grader to fight the 6 grader he done more then just punched him know the truth....

    7. A story is fiction.. Know the facts!! It wasn't ok for the 6th grader to spit on him, throw things at him, call him horrible names.. and when he was told to stop and to grow up he continued taunted. You reap what you sow!

  23. And Donna Hanlin wonders why good teachers are leaving. Teachers have to hear fu$k, sh@t, nig*a and bitch all day long. Teachers have no power because if it’s written up nothing happens to the kid. Kids running the halls all day, fighting and drugs in the bathrooms all day. Destroying school property. Teachers have tried to address it but again nothing happens to the kid. Everyday is a toxic hostile environment for teachers and staff to tolerate and withstand. What are your priorities Donna? When is someone from WCBOE going to stand up and fight this DOJ agreement??

  24. Let me give some info. I’m a student at Salisbury middle school and I know all about the fight. The kid that got beat up fought the attackers little brother and was talked a lot of trash like I could wup your a** and stuff like that. If you don’t do anything stupid at the school you would never have to be worried about being attacked.

    1. EXACTLY! These parents don’t know crap!!

    2. Yup exactly not correct .. the 6th grader shouldn't be such a bully and run his mouth and now his big brother in alot of trouble so yea exactly if you not ignorant brothers who bully then you wouldn't be on so much trouble..

  25. I have a child that goes to that school and they said that james (the white boy)started the whole thing by beating up karron(the blackboys) little 6 grade brother.which provoked karron to fight him.also james is a bully and got what was coming to him point blank period.

    1. Lies you shouldn't put names out there these are kids. The other kids were doing the bullying

    2. Thanks for your opinion. But kuron is in my math class and doesn't do anything bad and comes from a good home James was being a bully and got what came to him.

    3. Guess kuron will get what's coming to him too when he in jail.. let's see he don't do anything but set kids up and puts them in the hospital. Real winner there. Real good home when both brothers instigate stuff and bully!

    4. Your not kuron or James. It kids like you who spread rumors. Kuron or James probably didnt say anything it was was probably everyone else wanting to see a fight. The how you little kids roll. Kids doing this crap and being in gangs let see where all this gets in life

  26. That's completely inaccurate

  27. I was a witness the kid got staples and stitches and was bleeding very bad from the top of his head and above his eye

  28. That's completely incorrect

  29. The sixth grader was bullying and running his mouth. The older brother didnt do anything months ago because he didnt want to get kicked off the basketball team and said his brother deserved it for running his mouth. Now months later the older brother wants to attack another boy for standing up for himself. both brothers are bullies not victims

    1. That’s false. But it’s okay think what you want too buddy

    2. Should have waited until after school A mile away.

    3. For ONCE the AA is correct.

  30. They all talked trash still doesn't make it right. The two brothers started trash talking and are bullies.

  31. Enough about Obama’s DOJ and the letter of agreement that Hamlin and her minions signed. There’s a new sheriff in town and his name is Donald Trump. If Hamlin et al were willing to push it that agreement could be nullified. IT’S UP TO YOU TO MAKE HER!!!!

  32. Oh and one more thing - Gains Hawkins for school board. Please noooooo!

  33. Wonder if a family member runs this because none of the truth comments are being published just lies. Just like how they get the video hmmmm


  34. We sorely need to return the authority to school based administrators to guide and enforce standards of behavior, language, and attire for their students.

    The 'rights' of some students to do as they please without rapid response and correction should not and cannot be permitted to override the 'rights' of most students to pursue their education in a safe, peaceful, relaxed environment.

    The scofflaws may be lazy and self-indulgent but they are smart enough to know that they can largely get away with their behavior under the current administrative guidelines.

    A more tightly run ship would be better for all aboard. Life experience teaches us that.

  35. I attended that school 40 yrs ago. Students fought a lot but no one was filming it, no social media. I saw a girl pull a steak knife in the hallway. Saw a boy get knocked out cold in the “old gym” between classes. My point is that if you think this is something new you are wrong. Spare us all the hand wringing and the soapbox standing. Kids are gonna pound each other until the end of time.

    1. I agree. What world did these parents live in that they never witnessed a fight growing up in school? I must be from the wrong side of the tracks.

    2. I agree. What world did these parents live in that they never witnessed a fight growing up in school? I must be from the wrong side of the tracks.

  36. Hi I’m currently a eighth grade student at Salisbury middle school and I can tell you the background on this fight. The blonde haired guy was apparantly talking smack about this other guys brother. They planned the fight and this is the outcome. And this wasn’t the only one that happened today. During class yet another fight broke out. I completely blame the principal and the administration for not taking more action. There has been rumor that the student will press charges which is extremely rare. I have only seen someone press charges a couple of times. From experience my guess is the school will cover it up and do nothing about it. The immaturity of this school is overwhelming and I can NOT WAIT to get out of this hell hole. I would love to talk about more stuff this school has done but I don’t want this comment any longer than it already is.

    1. The police and school pressed charges against him regardless if the white kids family does. But I hope they do to the fullest extent. This is so uncalled for. So sad.

  37. Salisbury is trash.

  38. Gosnell what a winner hire more just like her!!!!

    1. This comment is not needed - Principal Gosnel is a very capable Principal who has been forced into a reactionary stance along with her staff. Her hands were tied long before she stepped foot in the school and she is doing the best she can with limited support from the central office. She is not permitted to suspend students without permission from her superiors for even a one to three day suspension, let alone giving five days, and requesting five more without permission. She is trying to manage an entire student population replete with social moras and not permitted to do what is needed due to existing mandates put upon her by her superiors, the state, and the federal government. If you are so certain she is performing poorly, request a meeting with her to discuss your view point. Otherwise, volunteer in the school and be a part of a community solution.



  39. I'm the mom of the boy who got attacked today. He is seriously injured with stitches and staples. You so called students posting are wrong and trying to defend this punk and his little brother. The little brother bullied and threatened my son for months at the beginning of school and my son ignored him repeatedly and reported him repeatedly yet the lil 6th grader kept running his mouth and saying he was gonna beat up my son. So if the school wasn't gonna stop the bullying and his parents weren't gonna stop their kid from bullying another kid then we told our son to punch him if he didn't stop. So guess what.. the punk kid didn't stop bullying my kid so yea my son punched him. He did not beat him up. He punched him and put him in place for being a bully. I do not condone this but we were at the end of the line of getting no help with this 6th grader who wouldn't stop causing trouble for my son. Yes my son got in alot of trouble when all this happened months ago. Then of course the big brother kept saying he was gonna beat my son up for hitting his little brother. How about tell your little brother to stop being a bully then maybe he wouldn't get hit. No my son was not running his mouth he doesn't even have first period with the big brother. The big brother has been threatening my son for hitting his brother way back before xmas but wanted to wait til he caught my son off guard. You all can keep saying what you want but it's not the truth. My son did not bully anyone and did not run his mouth other than saying back exactly what was being said to him first. And apparently the 6th grader has been in more fights with kids he was bullying. How bout stop being a bully and running your mouth to begin with. How bout be a good big brother and tell your lil brother to shut up and stop being mean. So the big brother kept telling everyone at school he was gonna beat my son up and today he did. Hope you're happy in alternative school and hope your family is proud of you for putting a kid in the hospital for no good reason at all. Have fun with all these chargers we are pressing against you.

    1. Amen the truth finally all you kids and parents commenting because of what your kids hear from other kids. It's called hear say a how bout ask the ones involved. A kid standing up for himself after being bullied is sent to the hospital. You raised a bunch of punks who will likely end up in jail as adults. Good for you

    2. For some reason I have a feeling this isn't the mother because why would the mom be using lil and boutta😂

    3. Where does she say "boutta" ?? And writing "lil" instead of little has been around way before you were born.. see that's where ignorance starts!

    4. If you really are the mom, you need to find a good lawyer and sue the Board of Education, The County, The Sheriffs Department, and this kids parents. Period. The BOE is acting as your child’s guardian during school hours. They are RESPONSIBLE for your child’s safety, PERIOD!!!! And until you hit people where it hurts ($), they never get the message.

    5. Yea the 6th grader has been in alot of fights this year for running his mouth so if your kid got into a fight with him you better watch out for you kid cause the big brother gonna put your kid in the hospital just because your kid defends themselves from a bully. That's all they do is start fights and run mouths then wanna blame someone else. Smh

    6. It is the mother and when is it a crime to type lil it's easier. Silliness everyone wants to judge

    7. Sadly my son got hit and bled after being attacked. We were told since he put his arms up to push him off that both my son and the other kid would have charges pressed because there is no defense law in place for assault. Disgusting.

    8. To the person saying go to hell. I really hope you not telling that mom to go to hell I think she feels like she already in hell with what happened to her son. You should be ashamed of yourself and obviously have no compassion for humanity. Let's see where God puts you.

    9. All the lies smh

  40. Thats not all that happens at Salisbury middle. Parents need to be aware.. They are definitely going to find out because I'm going to WBOC!!! I got important info...

  41. This situation is sad, and quite honestly has made it easier for my decision to request a school change for my 6th grader. Unfortunately I am a parent that has been on both sides of this spectrum recently at our dear SMS, and unless you know all the facts, you can only judge what you see. This school is toxic, and it starts with the Administration and trickles down to OUR CHILDREN! Due to recent problems I have had my child and this school, I can honestly say this does not shock me one bit.

  42. 6:26 Heather
    You're joking right? WBOC will do as they always have. Protect the WCBOE.

  43. It’s not the black boys first rodeo that’s for sure, he’s quite the fighter.

  44. 6:02 you didn't go to that school 40 years ago. It's only 20 years old. You lie.

    1. 40 yrs ago it was a highschool

    2. That school has been there since the at least the 30s or 40s. I went to school there from 1970-73 when it was a junior high for 7th to 9th grade

  45. Since help won't work - cage them now so they are use to it when they get caged as adults.

  46. 6:18 you are wrong. The county attorney decides to pursue the charges. I have pressed charges a couple of times myself and they have decided not to pursue as well.

  47. This is getting out of hand Salisbury/WCBOE and very embarrassing. Bigger problem is the bleeding is out of control! Video, parents, students commenting.... U G L Y!

  48. Go Crazy...Go Crazy... Middle school? Wow!

    1. Yea I can't believe the kid filming said that and I heard he's getting in alot of trouble too for instigating and filming it. He probably the kid that set it up for them to fight and lied to each boy

  49. Our continued first hand looks at our future leaders of Duh'mer'icka!

    Very said indeed!

  50. The problem is not the fight , but is everyone commenting. No one truly knows what happened & everyone on here is just “stirring the pot” - half of you probably don’t even step foot in any of the schools in the county, yet have something to say? Why run your mouth when that’s only creating more of a problem? Instead of running your mouth , advocate for change; more education for teachers, more support for administrators, more MENTAL HEALTH EDUCATION for everyone in the school system. Parents need to learn that they are a huge factor in how your child acts in school. They learn from you, even if your an absent parent & that affects them. And to the mom commenting on this post , if your son is so injured - why are you wasting your time on a stupid comment section of an article? “Hope you’re happy in alternative school? Hope you’re family is proud of you?” That’s the most immature thing I have heard yet. Why put such a negative connotation on the alternative school, which actually can positively change a kids life. And why assume his family is involved in his life? There’s probably alot more behind the story than anyone knows. So as far as I’m concerned ; worry about your kid.

    1. Yeah it doesn't help when the BOE covers up bullie incidents by not filing proper paperwork for the state and federal government.

    2. The mother is probably upset. Have you ever had to watch your child beat up on video and take him to the hospital to get staples and stitches then expect her to sit back and listen to everyone say it was his fault. Any loving parent would stand up for their kid no matter the circumstances. You preaching about commenting and creating a problem yet your on here wanting to attack the boys mother for loving her son. Shame on you hope you never have to go through that from what you say you wouldn't stand up for your child


  51. This is so sickening. The Administration at this school is the absolute worst! I shouldnt have to send my kid off to school and hope he makes it out of there alive. My question is what are they going to do? NOTHING!!! This mess has been going on non-stop for months and nothing is going to change. Alot of the problems are these disrespectful ass kids. They fear nothing. I am so glad my child only has a few more months to go.

  52. Kids need some good parent ass whooping

  53. Easy solution, kids don’t bring phones to school period! If there’s nothing the post on social media then half the stuff I would stop in our schools. Bring back real principals and real vice principals like Bievenour and Send these kids to choices and let them battle it out there. Make sure the adults run the school and not the ghetto kids… Two strikes and you’re out

    1. I just love how you calling kids “ghetto” “thugs” just because they’re involved in a fight. Putting these titles on these doesn’t make you no better of a person honestly.

  54. Job security for Eci staff... we love wicomicos failures. We have a cell for them. Maybe we should bring back the boot camp and let the state run it. Run the thugs till they drop. Then run them some more.


  56. 7:39. Dumbass. The boy’s mom just said what went on. It’s a friggin zoo

  57. I think that any of them that want to fight put them in a ring with boxing gloves and let them go

  58. It is time to offer "online education" as a viable alternative for students that are not able to act appropriately in a school setting. It takes too long to get students to Choices and the place fill fast. By the time they get placed there, too many learning hours have already been stolen from those that do want to learn. The kids deserve a safe environment that is conducive to learning. Kids cursing out teachers and dropping and fighting when they disagree needs to stop.

  59. I’m a student at SMS in the eighth grade and I’ll say the teachers are powerless against about 5 percent of the students. And you are probably thinking that one boy who put him in the hospital is part of that percent - but he’s quiet and gets good grades and gets a long with everyone. The blonde hair kid is constantly in and out of the office and he has threatened multiple students including females at school. He is actually apart of the bad group that makes our school intolerable. I can’t wait to be out of this mess of a school. I feel bad for the teachers who are trying hard and there are some good staff here in all trades. but the school has been let down by some toxic students and i have never seen any board of education people here to help

    1. I'm a teacher at SMS and this is getting out of hand. Both boys are good kids. Both get along with everyone and neither are apart of bad groups. This is how false things get started by so many not knowing facts. He doesn't threaten anyone and He doesn't threaten females. He told one girl.. one.. that he was gonna kick her a$$ after she slammed a door on him on purpose and told him first that she was gonna beat on him. He was spoken to about what he said to the girl but in his defense she started it and he apologized to her because he said no matter what it's wrong to talk to a girl like that and she apologized to him. He's also not in the office all the time, he's been called down alot lately because there's been alot of threats against him and other kids and they had to write reports. The problem is all the rumors and the high these kids get out of starting drama for other kids. The problem is so many parents don't know how to properly parent their children.

  60. The county cannot spend its way to a better educational system!

  61. to damn funny. first off they aren't kids. they are animals! parenting does make a difference. talk is cheap but once you put your hands on someone all bets are off! fitz hanlan jeffers all must go! nothing will ever change until you parents storm the wcboe meetings and demand change! eventually if one progresses things to their ultimate conclusion wcboe will just be a juvenile version of eci! shame for all the money spent with no accountability! ever looked at the school budget presentation? just a lot of gibberish! time for a forensic audit by an independent firm! I'm sure that would expose so much bs that people would be dumbfounded by what is going on! no accountability and it's the fault of the parents for not holding the current do nothing wcboe accountable!

  62. Can't even call this place a zoo, a zoo is run much better than this. Parents while your children are in their school years, be involved in all aspects of their schooling. Be there, go there, watch them, listen to them, get involved, do not sit back and expect everything to go along like it should because it won't happen, you have to be involved, ALL THE TIME. In other words, be the parents you are supposed to be.

  63. All too many of us are quick to place blame. Lack of funding, governments fault, failed system, poor teaching or lack of control by the teachers and on and on. At what point do the parents of these children step up and take responsibility for how they have raised their children. What values they have taught at home. What it means to have respect for others. What happened to a time when the child clearly understood that if their teacher or school called for a meeting to address a child’s activity or poor grades, that child already knew they were getting some form of punishment because their friends may smoke but mom and dad don’t joke. Not every child is meant to go to college. Worker bees are still in great demand but every child will have to live in a society that respects people and property. If a child, someone under legal age, gets into trouble the parent should be the one that pays the penalty. Send the message to the parent. The child doesn’t understand what the big deal is.

  64. DEAR SHEEP: Thats why there is a teacher shortage nationwide. These thugs have no respect for anyone or anything. They learned it from their parents and the Lib society condones it. Law enforcement wont do anything about it because of racism. Vote the whacko Lib Dems in and it will get worse - just like Hunger Games. Rules for radicals are being carried out.

  65. James has been picking on and bullying easy targets since first grade... Just saying

    1. Have to laugh at this one. Lies just lies

    2. Wow smh.. you know nothing idiot stop making up lies!! You probably a bully yourself. Yaw making up stuff just to try and defend Karron and justify it. Knowing he is in serious trouble now and gonna face alot of charges so you all gonna say anything to make James look bad and he's not. He's a good friend and stands up for people. He never had any problems at school until this year with all you bullies who are so jealous of him you have nothing better to do then to be mean.

    3. Lol I know who saying that.. only few kids at sms knew James in first grade and you were best friends with him but you decided to join a gang a do drugs when u got to middle school and James didn't want to be your friend anymore cause of your poor choices unless you changed but you didn't so now you gonna lie on him because you have nothing better to do but be a gang member and drug dealer..

    Who cares who disrespected who or said what.
    Makes you wonder what kind of homes ALL of these kids come from.
    Go to school keep your mouth shut learn something. Your a child. You don't have opinions or cred or any of that nonsense.
    There were greater economic and racial divides in the schools not long ago and teachers actually took a stand and cracked your head when this shit broke out and we all survived I guess some though to just be lame parents.

  67. Hiw can anyone be surprised this happens. The kid who hit the senator in the head with an egg is being hailed as a hero all 9ver the internat. Kids fight and these kids will get their internet fame from this video going viral.

  68. Booo Hooo I can only imagine what goes on in these children's homes that they find this acceptable civilized behavior.

  69. I know what actually happened as an sms student. This was definently not an attack, no matter how much they say it wasn’t this was a planned fight. Earlier in the year the white kid did punch the other kid brother but waited till he turned around so he didn’t know it coming. This was planned a long time and both of the kids in the video had agreed to it and wanted it to happen. I know the white kid will never admit because it won’t help in the charges pressed but that’s the truth. This school isn’t a war zone, if you don’t do anything stupid you don’t have to worry about being “attacked”. I saw one comment that said that this was not the black kids first rodeo. In our school it was, everyone liked the kid and he is very nice. I hope he doesn’t get in trouble because I know about the whole thing and he didn’t do anything wrong

    1. And here you go making excuses for bullies. Months ago James went right up to the 6th grader after school on the bus grabbed him by the front of his coat and punched him in the face!! After months of this kid harassing him!! And neither one of the boys wanted to fight yesterday at all!! You all kids planned this you all kids pressured them constantly for wks and wks to fight!! You all kids spread rumors to each of them saying the other wanted to fight!! You all kids ran to each boy saying the other said they could kick their a$$ and if they didn't fight they were pu$$ys!! You shitty a$$ ignorant kids did this to these 2 boys and I hope you all feel like crap for it!! No matter how old you are karma will get you!! God will make sure all you kids stirring up stuff for the sake of a video will pay for what you've done!! And obviously the black boy hasn't done much ever before at SMS because it's his first year there he's a transfer from Bennett middle and there's not been this many issues til this yr since all these Bennett kids started this yr!! Stupid Westside Eastside Bs!! You all live in freaking Salisbury together stop trying to make this gangland you are kids be kids and play in the dirt and fall off bikes!! Don't rush to be grown paying bills and having to be at work sucks!! Go to school and have fun and learn something!! Stop being stupid!!

    2. Everyone like the white kid too and sorry not sorry but when you bust someone's head open you're gonna get in alot of trouble that's life we have rules and laws.


  71. Boy who knew this was such a social media venue for school children .

  72. Amazing how this incident didn’t make the news. Probably covering up so people don’t know how horrible Salisbury middle school really is and how Wicomico county schools are. They need discipline and real consequences for the students actions. Scary

  73. Elementary schools are just as bad! Maybe worse as there is no social media being shared of student behaviors.

  74. The news was notified but probably are not going to do anything because Paul butler was part of wboc a long time and runs the wboe they're not going to blast the wboe

  75. Horrible. He should be charged as well as all of the people who cheered him on.

  76. "Yo, know what I mean?"

    Repeat that ten times with a three word comment mixed in and you have half of an entire three minute conversation, yo.

  77. I find it interesting that so many middle schoolers follow this page and spell better than the "adults".

  78. Need to bring back reform school...Who's looking out for the kid that wants to learn ???

  79. EXPELL his thug A##

    1. NO CAN DO

      his mommy, baby daddy, grand mommy are all doing jail time now ....

    2. Send the thug to See there parents in JAIL.

  80. Nothing will change until MSDE allows local school districts to handle their own discipline issues.

    1. Joe had a post up about that Gov Hogan needs the MSDE INVESTIGATED.ASAP.

  81. It's funny how alot of people that don't know facts has something to say but don't know the real facts, and then you post anonymously sit the hell down somewhere

    1. Apparently you don't know anything either other than the lies your stepboys tell you.. maybe you should stay quiet in the back!! Raise men not bullies!

  82. I am the boy that fought James all them months ago and the fight happened because of the simple fact that he was still talking about the fight between him and my brother some people come on to this page and assume and lie about something that they have no business worring about then tries to put the whole thing on me. It doesn't make sense how some people say I was in the wrong for doing what I did and he so called friends sent me messages about him saying he was going to fight me. If the fight was so pointless why was y'all commenting and talking trash about a miner (just to remind y'all) which is funny to me because of the simple fact that what you people are doing is pointless. Thanks to all the people who actually understood and was backing me up through all this.


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