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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Feds: University of Florida Faculty Members Fed Research to China

Four researchers were forced to resign from their positions at the University of Florida after a federal investigation revealed that foreign countries including China had exploited medical research at the university with the researchers’ help.

According to a report by the Tampa Bay Times, the University of Florida was the target of foreign manipulation. Federal investigators concluded that professors employed by universities around the United States that receive public funding are funneling research data to other countries, including communist China.

The four researchers left the university after the National Institutes of Health penned a letter that suggested that some researchers were exploiting the university’s research and sharing it with other countries.



  1. When will these idiots wake up and learn that China is not our friend?

  2. What is treason for 500 Alex?

  3. Anti-American traitors

  4. More likely they were financed by the Chinese Government
    How many of us trust anything the academics tell us?

  5. Northwest Woodsman: You can bet that they were all Chinese. Like the way their ethnicity is covered by the media identifying them as Florida researchers when they should have identified them as Chinese researchers at a Florida facility. Cultural marxists in the media will do what ever they can to coverup this sort of treason in order to promote their agenda of destroying us. Unfortunately this has been going on for a long time and we never learn from our mistakes. When I was a federal special agent in Los Angeles in the 70s, we caught some Chinese scientists collecting metal filings from the floor of an aircraft manufacturer by sticking double face tape on the soles of their shoes.


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