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Thursday, January 16, 2020

#Expose2020 - PART II: Sanders Staffer “There Are Things More Important Than the Rule of Law in USA”


  1. He's a libertarian-anarchist-democratic-communist... Meaning he has no clue what any of those words mean. I can only assume he wants a government that lets him do whatever he wants with the exception of free speech and where you vote for the person who promises to give you the most free stuff, but their office holds no power other than throwing people in concentration camps if they complain about the bread lines. What a clown. He acts like we should be afraid of him and like he's a big tough guy. We are not afraid of you at all and if you were tough you could provide for yourself rather than trying to put in a system that promises to provide for you what you lack the ability to provide for yourself.

  2. Some people are so dumb there is no hope for them.

  3. No work no eat its bibilical truth. (Ablebodied of course)
    its a chritains duty to help those who truly need it
    family first then your brothers
    Anything less is worse then an unbeliever.
    GOD has no distain For profit or for your prosperity BUT YOU GOTTA WORK FOR IT!!!!

  4. He is wearing cloths imported by plane from sweat shops and using a 1000 dollar cell phone also imported by planes. Too funny.


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