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Friday, January 03, 2020

Ex-FBI Deputy McCabe admits to leaking info to media, obstructing probe

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe admitted he misled investigators about his role in a media leak and apologized for it, according to transcripts of his interviews with investigators released Thursday.

The transcripts were released by the Justice Department’s inspector general in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.

An unidentified FBI investigator detailed his frustration with Mr. McCabe over the time he spent investigating the leak, only to discover the leak came from the former deputy director himself, according to the transcripts. Mr. McCabe had repeatedly denied he was the source of the leak, but later confessed and apologized when the investigator confronted him, the transcripts said.



  1. But he said he was sorry, so I guess that makes it OK.

    Isn't what he did a felony? We will see if ANYTHING ever happens other than talk.

  2. This guy should do some hard time. We need to take the gloves off with these liars and start making examples.

  3. Lack of candor - lied under oath. It's that a crime under oath. He should be charged and punished.


  4. Mike Flynn was NOT under oath when the FBI quizzed him, but look what happened to him.

  5. Although occasionally America will prosecute and imprison a member of congress for their crimes, there seems to be a reluctance to ever prosecute or imprison Presidents or their appointees for their crimes. No administration appears to want to cross that line. I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing for this country.


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