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Monday, January 06, 2020

'Duty as a citizen': Bruce Ohr concealed efforts to spread Steele dossier

Bruce Ohr, the highest-ranking Obama Justice Department official to involve himself in distributing the anti-Trump dossier, carried out his freelancing through numerous meetings, phone calls and emails as a link between the FBI and Hillary Clinton forces.

He told a colleague that the Russia election scandal reached the top — Donald Trump. It was his “duty as a citizen” to spread the unverified allegations around town, he said.

During all of Mr. Ohr’s maneuverings, from the summer of 2016 to Mr. Trump’s election to the fall of 2017, he hid the operation from his bosses.

Mr. Horowitz’s 434-page report on FBI abuse of wiretap laws to target Trump campaign associate Carter Page includes scores of pages on Mr. Ohr and his one-man Washington operation. The inspector general concluded that Mr. Ohr had committed “consequential errors in judgment” and “lapses in judgment.”


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