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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Dow Jones index breaks 29,000 for first time ever

The Dow Jones industrial average broke 29,000 for the first time ever Friday, even as new employment data showed disappointing jobs growth.

The blue-chip index hit an all-time, intraday high of 29,009.07, marking a nearly 0.2 percent increase from Thursday’s close, before falling 0.46 percent, or 133.13 points, to close at 28,823.77.

The milestone came despite Friday’s monthly jobs report showing slowing employment growth, with the US economy adding 145,000 gigs in December.



  1. All this by President Trump while back in the Democratic House of Congress Articles of Impeachment where voted to forward to the Senate for trial. Imagine - our successful President of the United States on trial - for what - Making America Great Again. God Bless President Trump 🙏

  2. This is an insane valuation and has happened because of easy loan interest loans from the banking industry. The industry is propped up literally by injections of liquidity (US Dollars) every night at this point in the repo markets. Read about it. The economy is teetering from the corruption and criminality of the banking system and its familial owners.

  3. Is Obozo still taking credit for this awesome economy ?

  4. With the Democrats running around like chicken little, Trump continues to prove them all wrong. How can they show their faces. There is no recession, we are not at war with N.Korea or Iran, we have taken out two bad guys which has sent a message to the world "do not cross my red line", and the immigration issue has taken a back burner with sections of wall going up. Watching the debate last night, the common theme is WE HATE TRUMP! They have absolutely nothing else. Biden looks totally incompetent and rehashes talking points, Sanders and Warren hate each other with Warren accusing Sanders of calling her a liar on national TV, Steyer has big $$$$$ (yawn), Mayor Pete is, well, Mayor Pete, and Klobucher acts like she is trying to flick a booger off her hands.And this is all they have. Cake walk come November.


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