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Monday, January 20, 2020

Doug Collins: Steny Hoyer's remark about letting Trump 'prove innocence' should alarm Americans

House Judiciary Committee ranking member Doug Collins, R-Ga., said Democrats are exposing their true contempt for the Constitution and the individual rights therein with how they are conducting the impeachment of President Trump.

In an interview airing Sunday at 8 p.m. ET on "Life, Liberty & Levin," Collins said Trump was overtly denied the same due process afforded to every other American under the Constitution, adding that House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., made an alarming statement to that effect.

Hoyer, the number-two Democrat in the House, defended the House's impeachment inquiry last month by remarking that Trump was afforded "every opportunity to prove his innocence."

Collins told host Mark Levin that no American has to prove their innocence -- in fact, the burden of proof falls on the opposite party.




  1. Steny Hoyer is an asshat and an embarrassment to the State of Maryland.

  2. Perhaps Steny can prove that he, personally, is not corrupt?

  3. so are the other maryland senators .

  4. This comes as no surprise to me. When I talked to one of our local esteemed lawyers from the Wicomico County State's attorney's office seven years ago regarding my son's case, I was told that he would have to prove himself innocent. Subsequently, many other lawyers here and in other areas have told me the same thing. Do not think for a second that anyone is innocent until proven guilty with our current judicial system.

  5. Hoyer forgets what the law and Constitution say about that.
    He' s another tick-deep bloodsucking swamp creature.

  6. I saw him on Life Liberty and Levin on Fox yesterday. Doug Collins is a good man that deeply cares about not only Georgia but the country. He was right about the boot licking Hoyer.

  7. guilt must be proven "beyond a shadow of doubt."'

  8. What is Trump hiding. Even Clinton allowed witnesses . The big difference is that under Clinton documents and witnesses were allowed , unlike Trump refusing ALL documents and ALL witnesses

  9. You know why he's the #2 Democrat in the house? Because he's been there almost the longest! Poster child for term limits in Congress. And from Maryland, no less. Another one that will be re-elected until he dies with the vote button in his hand.


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