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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

'Disgusting': Ivanka Trump tears into CNN panel for mocking President Trump supporters

White House adviser Ivanka Trump blasted a panel of pundits who appeared on CNN over the weekend and mocked supporters of her father, President Trump.

"You consistently make fun of half the country and then complain that it is divided," the first daughter tweeted Tuesday. "The arrogance, mocking accents and smug ridicule of this nation’s ‘Real Elites’ is disgusting."

Appearing on Don Lemon's CNN Tonight over the weekend, panelists Wajahat Ali and Rick Wilson imitated what they believe a typical Trump supporter might sound or think like.



  1. You don't get it both ways.

    You don't get to cheer when the President tweets insults at people or belittles them publicly at rallies, and smears half of the nation (the Democrats), then get upset when the same is focused on your team.

    By the way, I AGREE with the upset. I AGREE with Ivanka this should not be the way it is, and it IS why the nation is divided.

    But don't ever expect it to change when you give a pass to your own team because it strokes your confirmation biases.

    We need better discourse, and it is BOTH sides at fault.

  2. So if I'm a "professional journalist" and I go on TV and make fun of Democrat voters using a
    "African American" accent, its OK, right?

    That's not racist at all???

    Please do not compare the presidents tweets, to that BS. He stands against Democrats policies, and individuals who have attacked him. He has a right to defend himself, but I'm pretty sure he has never called All democrat voters stupid. He has more sense than that, CNN does not.

  3. Yes Trump makes fun of his enimies (Democrats) for what they say about him and what they try to do to him, but what has Americans done to these 3 idiots that would cause them to act so disgustingly. Our only crime is supporting President Trump in his mission to make America Great Again. The can't accept our support so they ridicule us. So immature.

  4. He called ma , as a Republican that does not support him ,...HUMAN SCUM. Is that alright?


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