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Saturday, January 18, 2020

CNN tries to create a military conspiracy theory

CNN is trying hard to sow doubt in U.S. military leadership after officials confirmed 11 American servicemen are being treated for traumatic brain injuries following Iran’s Jan. 8 missile attack on an Iraqi airbase.

“Breaking,” tweeted Jim Sciutto, chief national security correspondent and former Obama State Department appointee, citing CNN’s reporting, “11 US service-members were injured during Iranian missile attack on Al Asad airbase in Iraq.”

He added, “Following the attack, the Pentagon had said no casualties had resulted from the 16 missiles fired by Iran.”



  1. More fake news. Casualties usually refers to death not injuries.

  2. 2:36 PM - Well, it also includes injuries that are immediately evident and of a nature that removes the combatant from front line duties.

  3. I am not sure how CNN stays on the air. I get they sell advertising but with all the fake news why do advertisers stay with them?

  4. Just curious,why are combatants no longer 'wounded' but 'injured' instead?

  5. 4:51.

    No, it doesn't. The military refers to DEAD soldiers as "casualties".

    You don't get to make up your own liberal definitions to make CNN look like they are way ahead of everyone else.

    There were INJURIES perhaps, but no casualties.

    By the way, concussions are often NOT "immediately evident".

    You? Keep cheering.


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