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Monday, January 13, 2020

CNN Pays $76 Million in Settlement with National Labor Relations Board

CNN has agreed to shell out $76 million in a back pay case that involved union employees, making it the largest monetary settlement in the history of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).

Variety reported that the labor dispute began in 2003 when the media company fired a group of unionized subcontractors working as technicians and in other support roles for Team Video Services before hiring non-union employees to replace those workers.

The action sparked a litigation war between the National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians and Communications Workers of America that has lasted more than a decade.

More than 300 people will take part in the settlement. The NLRB, a federal agency that allows employees to unionize in the workplace, said in a statement that $76 million is more than what the agency typically sees in a back pay enforcement case.


Editor's note: Last week was a bad week for CNN. They settled two cases last week.  


  1. Just keep on suing them, eventually it will cost to much for them to keep doing what they are doing that is bad!!! Having to keep paying lawyers and court cost eventually adds up...

  2. Do people actually watch CNN anymore.Lies and distorted half truths is what they are all about.

  3. Cnn supports Unions and covers Union fluff pieces often... what a surprise behind the current they do something different.

  4. Im glad for those getting the settlement but, to cnn it makes no difference. They knew full well each and every time they commit these acts against everyone that they would likely lose in court..it makes no difference to them how much because it comes from a bottomless pit. Id explain where it comes from but you wouldnt accept it. Let me just say a serious pursuit of a one world government is very real, but they must finish destroying America first...which is what killary would be doing right now. Its your choice to know.


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