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Wednesday, January 01, 2020

BREAKING: Stabbing In Salisbury 6-11-19 (6-16-19)

Officers and Detectives are on the scene of a stabbing, 100 block of Ocean Aisle. Scene is contained and officers have a 15 yo male in custody. 12 yo male has been transported to PRMC to be treated for a non-life threatening stab wound to his leg. Suspect and victim are reported to be brothers.


  1. SPD reports this as a knife that Accidentally went into the teen several times by gravity.

  2. Northwest Woodsman: Anyone dare to make a bet with me?

  3. Kids that should be in school. Parents that probably don't care.

  4. They were practicing on their way to Rehoboth or OC boardwalk...

  5. My son is 15 years old who refuses to go to school and mind you bigger & stronger then me. You can only do so much and my options have ran out. I cant chain him up or beat him. And I love my son more then life itself. So to make a statement like that is being inconsiderate. This generation is on a whole different level.

    1. really kid gone wild, maybe military school would be a start

    2. My son is 15 and would not dare defy me and not go to school. Called parenting, where is DA DA?

    3. This is an idiotic comment

    4. Well then you failed as a "parent". Where's the father? What's inconsiderate is you sending those uncontrollable kids to school to mess it up for us parents that do our job.

    5. 11:06- You see, you are the problem. You are a failure as a parent and now everyone else has to deal w/ your ass of a son.

  6. Just and innocent game of Mumblety Peg gone wrong.

  7. ND now a shooting.

  8. Sounds like wcboe is doing a great job teaching these young kids

    1. Oh that's right teachers are the parents too! What a comment to make!

    2. Lmao..what an idiot you are!!

    3. Not their jobs, it's the parents jobs. I teach a subject area and it's the parents job to raise their kids. What a moron.

    4. WCBOE does not raise the children! We teach them! We cant go home with them and be parents too! It is a combined effort and unfortunately the teachers cant make parents do anything.

    5. Bullshit!! WCBOE is too busy handing out six figure salaries to all their buddies and could give two shits about the teachers in the trenches and the kids themselves. WCBOE never once accepts responsibility for the cluster F that is wicomico county schools, PERIOD!

    6. How do you figure the teachers don't raise the kids? They are with you 8 hours a day 9 months out of the year. One would think you'd have some sort of influence on them eventually. You don't mind forcing all your liberal LGBT and transgender curriculum on them but when something like this happens it's always the parents never the school system that's supposed to be forming their young minds into something positive and constructive. Try skipping a happy hour once in awhile and staying after school with them

    7. This has nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, to do with the WCBOE or teachers. This is 2 dumbass kids being dumbasses. As for that parent above, of the bigger than her 15 year old, call the cops, kick him out of he won't follow the rules. It's called tough love! You, a bad parent, are why 15 year olds do dumb ass shit!

    8. Please people. It is not and never was the school teachers responsibility to raise your children. You had it, deal with it. Teachers jobs are to teach the specific subjects to which they are assigned. You had 5 years alone with your child prior to them attending school. What have you taught them?

    9. 518PM you don’t teach kids you indoctrinate them with bullshit. Please get real. You’re nothing but glorified, way overpaid babysitters.

      Anyone who has or had their child in your system over the last 20 years can see what you’re doing. And it ain’t teaching. If you did they would have more common sense because learning under a real teacher demands it. God, hope that crack high lasts ya longer because you’re talking mundo loco.

  9. Problems start at home. Blame the generation who raised these kids. Everyone is afraid of disciplining. And teaching moral. This is what you get.

  10. Why aren't they in school?

  11. I have a granddaughter that`s 16 and she is not in school ,I don't think people realize how many kids aren't going to school ,since you cant punish they do what they want ,my daughter lets her of in town ad lets her go ,they don't have anything to do ,they need a place for teens to hang out stay out of trouble ,there is no control not in school because they don't want to go.She has been home schooled. I don't agree with this but cant do a thing

    1. Home school didn't teach her enough

  12. I thought this was a luxury apt. Complex.

  13. Children must be disciplined from young toddler age...It must be with love and not abusive, but spanking is NOT a bad thing. IF you wait to do this, You're too late. Don't leave your children on their own if you expect them to be good children and then responsible citizens...Training comes from parents at home and then the church and school confirms...

    Unfortunately too many people don't attend church anymore and our public schools, under Common Core, have become anti-God, anti-parents, anti-democracy (Republic)...we're in a sad time right now...

    1. Ot has nothing to do with Church or God. Or Common Core for that matter. Its babies raising babies and thinking all the dumb things they do are cute or funny and the FOJ coming in and tying schools, admin and teachers hands even more! The parents need to stop being "friends" and become parents!

  14. 11:06 what a stupid comment- you are the parent! If your son was raised to respect you then you wouldn’t have this problem.

  15. 11:06 Good luck, and replace your metal knives with plastic.

  16. Brothers from another Father!

  17. Of course they're brothers.

  18. Teachers hands are tied! We can’t do shit! We can’t even look at a kid wrong without parents going to the BOE. Even after the kid cussed out teachers and thrown chairs across the room…

    1. And it's the teacher's fault and they get in trouble which shows the kid that they can do whatever they want and get away with it.

  19. All you liberal teachers quit your bitchin. It was Obama that changed the rules on how to punish kids in school. You voted for him now you deal with the consequences. Yes there are consequences for your actions in the real world, but not Obama's

    1. And those rules have been eradicated. Seems like WBOE doesn’t follow federal law much like they’ve made themselves a little sanctuary for truancy and gangland proffers. Idiocy. Indeed.

  20. The teachers are too busy promoting transgender transformation videos and LGBT agendas to actually vwoery about getting through and helping these kids. Take your personal politics out of the school systems and try to help these kids instead of f'ing them up worse than the crap they gave to deal with at home. Typical progressive liberal responses:it's not our job to raise them, it's the parents fault.

    1. Thank you. They’re too busy screwing kids up to teach them zip.

  21. No, they don't need a place for teens to hang out so they don't get in trouble. Put them to work, learning a trade and a paycheck.


  22. Most teachers actually have more traditional and conservative views, and nobody sees the failure of parents to guide their kids properly more often. Board members have similar views. But their hands are tied by edicts from Annapolis, which are frequently originated in DC. The process needs to change; we need local districts to resume determining what is best for their citizens and kids.

    The teachers' union is a different story and is fairly unpopular with its members due to its state and national agenda, and expenditures. Quitting it requires careful navigation of a narrow time window.

    So each of the bleats about kids who won't obey come back to the parent(s) and home environment.

  23. Ocean Aisle? Really? Was Moses there?

    1. Ocean Aisle is another Rinnier owned slum. When it was built it was promised to be a nice place to live but low and behold they let the riffraff in just like with all their other properties and it turns into yet another ghetto haven. Overpriced cheaply built crap.

  24. The what ever happened to truant officers? If they don't want to go to school and are under 18 send their asses to juvenile centers

  25. Truant officers don't do anything. Do they even exist anymore? My 16 yr
    old decided not to go to school anymore. I went to the BOE, called the sheriff's dept and the courts. I was told that once they turn 15,
    they don't do anything about it. I was told I was stuck. I couldn't physically drag him to school, that would have been a child abuse
    charge. AND, I couldn't kick him out of the house since he wasn't
    18 or I could face a child neglect charge.

  26. Salisbury police calls it “knife play” on their twitter feed. Unbelievable.

  27. No reason to have law enforcement. People will get along better with out worrying about prison.

  28. What a can of worms - everyone pointing the finger of blame to the other. Baby boomer parents were too soft on their kids. It is even worse today. I was taught respect for my parents, my teachers, the police and others in uniform. It starts with respect for others - if you don't have respect for others than you definitely won't have respect for yourself. Starts in the home.

    1. That's bc welfare parents are out clubbing every night.

  29. For us morons,name a street or an identifying area.Who the heck knows where Ocean Aisle is?

    1. It’s that dump on Beaglin Park & old Ocean city road. The Rinniers built it four years ago. Supposed to be fancy schmancy apts charging an outrageous rent for Salisbury. Didn’t keep the drug dealers out. Hell, the drug dealers are the only ones who can afford the rent there.

  30. The point of saying Ocean Aisle is to obscure the location.


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