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Sunday, January 19, 2020

Blackburn: Four Senate Dems vying for president should recuse from impeachment trial

Sen. Marsha Blackburn has suggested her Democrat colleagues running for president should be recused from sitting as jurors in the impeachment trial against President Trump.

“Tomorrow, one hundred United States Senators will be sworn in to serve in the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump. Four of those Senators must recuse themselves for their unparalleled political interest in seeing this President removed from office,” said the Tennessee Republican.

Ms. Blackburn is referring to Sen. Bernie Sanders, Vermont Independent, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts Democrat, Sen. Michael Bennet, Colorado Democrat, and Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota Democrat.

“To participate in this trial would be a failure of the oath they took to be an ‘impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws’. Their presidential ambitions prohibit their ability to view this trial through an objective lens,” Ms. Blackburn said.



  1. Interesting take. What is everyone's opinion on Mitch McConnel not recusing himself despite already having made a decision without a trial? Is that him being "an impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws"?

    1. That means he can read at a 5th grade level so he does understand the constitution and that there is no merit to the impeachment charges.

  2. 932, I think it balances out all the Democrats that decided Trump was guilty before he was even inaugurated.

  3. Finally someone with good sense.

  4. Yes, very interesting take....

    I wonder, are they allowed to recuse themselves?

    Certainly they are required to be there... so no stumping during the trial.

    Very interesting... if this was a trial in a traditional court they would probably have to recuse themselves.

  5. 9:32 no one on here will care because they cant be impartial. they're willing to overlook justice if it benefits trump. theres my .02

  6. Moscow Mitch should be voted out

  7. @ January 16, 2020 at 9:32 AM

    True to... what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

    In fact, all those who have said such a thing should recuse themselves... right?

    I mean if you apply the same logic... which arguably is sound if this was a traditional trial... there would be LOTS of recusing going on.

  8. If you recuse mcconnell you have to recuse Schumer who had also said the president is guilty. Lots of senators have already made up their minds, are they all recused?

  9. 10:26 and all: they are having an impeachment trial. Trial. It's not like they have the power to remove him themselves. And 10:50 they are the one's writing the articles of impeachment clearly they have made up their mind or we wouldn't be here genius.

  10. Between the House and Senate there are around 500 of (arguably) the greatest minds in the USA running our country.
    Imagine if they all pooled their efforts and concentrated on just one city - on just one small area of one of our troubled inner cities, think of what could be accomplished.
    Instead, they waste our time and money on this.
    Such a sad situation on what should be, but isn't, the greatest country in the world.

  11. You also need to acknowledge that Mitch is the Senate Majority Leader. Not just any other senator.

  12. Should go in Trump’s favor,all impeachment based on heresay.

  13. The Democrats are terrified that their crimes are all going to be uncovered by this President and they will do anything and say anything to keep the pot of hatred stirred!!!!!! The impeachment attempt is not about uncovering Trumps crimes, it is about keeping Trumps administration from uncovering the crimes and corruption of the most treasonous administration in U.S. History the eight years prior to him taking office.

  14. by this logic there would be no impeachment because that whole house committee that just impeached him were all well known Anti-Trumpers from day one! all 7 that were selected as Managers and including Nancy Pelosi were also all well know Anti-Trumpers. Adam Schiff, one of the biggest liars in that chambers and was made lead Manager. and Jerry Nadler to.


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