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Saturday, January 18, 2020

Biden’s Delaware Problem: Sharpton and Liberal Group Protest Against “White, Wealthy, Male” Judges Appointed by Democrats to State Courts

Does Delaware’s Joe Biden have a diversity problem in his Democrat run home state? Delaware courts are too “white, wealthy and male” according to the liberal group Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware and Rev. Al Sharpton who joined the group at the state capitol in Dover on Wednesday to protest the nomination of attorney Paul Fioravanti, Jr. to the state Court of Chancery by Gov. John Carney (D). Sharpton’s demand to speak before the Democrat controlled state Senate about the appointment was rejected. The Senate voted unanimously on Wednesday to confirm Fioravanti to replace African-American Vice Chancellor Tamika Montgomery-Reeves following her elevation to the state Supreme Court last month.

Delaware is solidly Democrat, with the party holding all six statewide elected offices, the state Senate, state House, both U.S. Senate seats and the state’s lone U.S. House seat.

A group of African-American pastors participated in the protest.



  1. Well

    if most folks stayed in school...instead of trying to be a gangster Al

    maybe they have enough education to be elected


  2. This is racism. Period.

  3. 732, exactly my thoughts. Who went to law school and who didn't? Oops, I should have said "dint". I'm sure there is a certain "bar" to cross for a qualified job candidate, that has nothing to do with skin color, but more to do with content of character.

  4. There doing this in hopes some old white male will throw them some hush money before it hurts his campaign.

  5. When I saw the ad I asked myself, "who do they think is paying their welfare, medical, rent, Obamaphones bills.

  6. well, the rest of society has been destroyed by affirmative action, why not go all in and destroy the legal system with affirmative action also?


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