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Sunday, January 05, 2020

Attorney General Frosh Joins Amicus Brief to Hold Oil Companies Accountable for Costs of Climate Change

BALTIMORE, MD (January 3, 2020) – Maryland Attorney General Brian E. Frosh, joining a coalition of 13 states, today filed an amicus brief supporting Rhode Island in its lawsuit State of Rhode Island v. Shell Oil Products Co., et al. In the lawsuit, the state seeks to hold oil companies accountable for their actions contributing to climate change and the resulting harms from sea-level rise, changes to the hydrologic cycle, and increased air and ocean temperatures.

“Climate science confirms that harmful pollution from Big Oil contributes to climate change and its devastating effect on our environment,” said Attorney General Frosh. “Maryland, like other states, should have the right to pursue these fossil fuel polluters under state law, even when the danger to the environment and public health is widespread.”

In its suit, Rhode Island alleges that the major fossil fuel producing companies knowingly contributed to climate change and failed to warn regulators and the public about the harms of fossil fuel use. Instead, these companies promoted pseudo-scientific theories and questioned legitimate climate science in order to confuse the public and maintain their profits. The complaint argues that oil companies should be liable for infrastructure-related damages resulting from their actions.

The case is currently pending in the First Circuit after the oil companies appealed a district court decision that the lawsuit belongs in the state court. In their brief, the coalition of attorneys general asserts that the district court decision should be affirmed. The coalition argues that:

· States play an important role in addressing climate change and protecting human welfare, including providing a forum to decide cases related to climate change;

· The Clean Air Act recognizes states’ roles in reducing air pollution and does not indicate that the federal courts should have exclusive jurisdiction over cases involving climate change; and

· The defendants’ appeal to transfer the plaintiffs’ claims to federal court, knowing that similar claims have been displaced by Congress, could unjustly deny plaintiffs a remedy for harm.

Joining Maryland in filing the brief are the attorneys general of California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington.


  1. Soros. They will all fly first class or private for their court hearings.

  2. What about holding the military accountable for being the worlds largest oil consumer and polluter?

  3. Frosh the bigest useful idiot of the leftard bowel movement. A die hard libtard loser. Very Quick to jump into any group leg hump of any useless liberal cause. As a leg hump goes it is utterly useless and so is Frosh.
    Tyipcal error in judgement as to how things really work (you know what normal people call reality!!)is a liberals blind faith and utter failure.

  4. The gas coming out of his mouth contributes more to "climate change" than oil companies. So tired of the global warming/ climate change/ we're going to freeze/ acid rain/ hole in ozone crap.

  5. I would much rather this guy join the unemployed.

  6. The climate has been changing since the beginning of the Earth, and will continue forever. Lawsuits, fines and the choking to death of our energy resources do nothing but degrade the most wonderful status we have had ever. Frosh hops on every leftist bandwagon that comes down the road and needs to be unemployed ASAP.


  7. If it's a BS legal theory, Frosh is there panting like a puppy. What a jerk, and what a waste of money.

  8. If Frosh were to win you the taxpayer would never see any of the money,the circle of corruption with Democrats continues.

  9. They are searching for a large pay out from the oil companies , they under the so called table into the hands of the democrats. Crooked democrats want your money and my money , send them to Nigeria .

  10. Do they have any means to determine how much the climate has changed, who/what changed it, how it was changed, any way to measure the damage, its effect/impact, what costs were incurred?

    Highly doubtful to get an answer on even one of those so how and to what degree can they hold anyone accountable?

  11. Is Frosh going to give up his car, electricity,airline flights, anything that was produced using petroleum products. I don't think so. Just another virtue signaling Demo-crap. Anything he is provided by the state that uses petroleum should be taken from him.

  12. Who do I sue for poisoning the planet with "solar radiation management particulates"? Asking for a friend...

  13. Replies
    1. Easier said than done... Maryland being a liberal State, very difficult to get rid of democrats... Hogan's election was the equivalent of a 100 year flood...

  14. I would much rather see this guy join the cemetary and take hogan with him

  15. Guess he didn't get the memo that Exxon prevailed in New York state courts a week or two ago. NY State tried suing using an arcane state law, that required no proof of intent to defraud investors. The fraud? Non-existent climate change cover-up.


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