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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

All-White Democratic Debate Mistaken For KKK Rally

DES MOINES, IA—Many were shocked to turn to CNN last night and see what appeared to be a Ku Klux Klan rally. Airing for two hours was an all-white assembly of people talking about their superior plans for the country. CNN received numerous complaints but explained it was not a Klan rally but in fact a Democratic presidential debate.

This confused many people, as there had been numerous minority candidates in the presidential primary, and this was what appeared to be a “whites only” debate. CNN explained that this was not true and that the debate had nothing to do with white supremacy; the DNC simply had excluded all minority candidates from the debate for being inferior to the white ones.

“And I have many black friends,” explained Joe Biden, an attendee of the not-Klan rally. “Like Barack Obama. And Corn Pop.”

More Satire


  1. no confusion

    Democrats are the KKK

  2. Someone at work put on CNN. Besides showing the impeachment articles being walked into the Senate over and over and over they also showed the debate confrontation between Warren and Sanders. They called it "unprecedented". If I remember correctly Hillary did the same exact thing to either Obama or Sanders at a debate. Pocahontas probably heard she got a 1% bump in the poles from it and decided to try the same tactic and of course CNN would try to help her invent truth. Liers, liers, liers.

  3. K = 11
    Albert Pike creates the Klan, and was 33rd Degree
    It was a Psyop from the beginning and Freemasons knew it all along. It was contrived. Not a natural movement.

  4. "The Field" had one thing in common that they all agreed on; they hate Trump. Other than that there was nothing of any substance. Biden, the front runner, keeps spewing the same old talking points and pandering for approval. Cake walk for GOP in 2020.

  5. 10:47 now I'm being honest here, how can you say that when the KKK consistently votes and supports Republican? I am in no way saying all Republicans are racist or anything of the sort. Simply stating that you never see a KKK member rooting for Obama or AOC...

  6. Funny thing, the Democrats are Not for the Whites , they have
    sold out their own color to the Blacks to get their votes !!!!!

    Nothing wrong with being WHITE !!! Quit attacking WHITE


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