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Sunday, January 05, 2020

Actress Rose McGowan apologizes to Iran: ‘The USA has disrespected your country’

Actress Rose McGowan tweeted an apology to Iran hours after it was announced that President Trump had ordered the strike that killed Qassim Soleimani.

Soleimani, an Iranian leader responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American soldiers, was killed by U.S. forces on Thursday as part of the culmination of weeks of escalating hostilities between the two nations that included the killing of an American contractor and an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Iraq.

In a tweet posted early Friday, McGowan, 46, apologized to Iran on behalf of most of the American people for Trump’s decision to kill Soleimani. She wrote, “Dear Iran, The USA has disrespected your country, your flag, your people. 52% of us humbly apologize. We want peace with your nation. We are being held hostage by a terrorist regime. We do not know how to escape. Please do not kill us.”



  1. send her ass over there !

  2. she better be speaking for herself not on behalf of most American People.
    STFU Rose

  3. This is treason, Put this ....person in jail.

  4. Time for the snowflake to go to her safe place with her teddy bear and binky.

  5. Actress??? Never heard of her.. Stage? Screen?? Tv commercials??

  6. Rose McGowan....go fing live in Iran!


  7. "..“Dear Iran, The USA has disrespected your country, your flag, your people. 52% of us humbly apologize.."

    Dear Iran: This woman is crazy and is speaking only for herself (unless she is speaking for 52% of the voices in her head.)

    We do want peace but it is clear you do not, so we will proceed on that basis.

    Have a nice day.

  8. They would Torture her ass to death & she is too Stupid to
    know it !!! Who cares what she says ??? No-one !!!!

  9. She's just another Traitor in America !!!

  10. Ahhh
    The sheep get upset when one gets outside the pen

  11. She gave 250k hush money to a under age boy

  12. And the scary part is she is not the "only one" that thinks this way!

  13. Time for Trump to make it clear to Hollywood that great action will be taken if anyone disrespects America to foreign countries again. Trump means what he says.

  14. You know I liked her in the show Charmed. But she needs to keep her pie hole shut. And stay out of politics !

    1. Must've rubbed off from Alyssa Milano.

  15. Right after Trump wins 2020 there is going to be a brief period of time when some laws are suspended. It will be legal to kill traitors such as this, criminals, pols not fulfilling their oath, and other ne'er-do-wells.

    State-sanctioned, massive thinning of the herd.

    (One can dream can't one?)

  16. Anonymous said...
    Actress??? Never heard of her.. Stage? Screen?? Tv commercials??
    January 3, 2020 at 3:52 PM

    I agree with you. She says she doesn't side with Iran but also does not side with the U.S.A. either. If the U.S. does something wrong, (which it hasn't) fine, call them out on it. But don't side with our enemy over it. Which she has effectively done even though she tries to say she does not side with Iran.

    These elitist Hollywood types are helping to destroy this country from within. They make their money, get fat and rich, IN AND THROUGH THIS COUNTRY. And then want to talk smack and run down the very country that has been so good to them.

    This country may fall but it will not happen from an enemies bullets. It will be from within aided by these types of people.

    We were getting very close to losing this country after 8 years of Obama. There is no doubt in my mind that if Hillary Clinton had become president our doom would have been sealed and this country would have ceased to exist.

    Trump brought all that to a stop and has reversed it. Look at the thanks he has received for his efforts from the demoncrats, Hollywood types, and the elitists. They are so brazen in their hatred for Trump but yet half the country agrees with them while never asking questions.

    Such as, why do they hate him so much now when just a few short years ago they all loved him. (And his money).

    What has he done to warrant such hatred? All the great things he has done for US and this country, they cannot see? It just staggers the mind by their actions.

  17. Another female idiot , just remember , these females like her are running for president with sympathy towards the middle east like Hillary and obama.

  18. Just another Charmed actress that can't get a job because the casting couch is no longer an option because she old and ugly.

  19. Liberals don’t belong in America

  20. Who the hell made her the spokesperson for 52% of our country? I don't think she has ever run for office, or holds any government position. I guess in her delusions, she thinks she speaks for the country. Where do these loonies come from? Oh, that's right, they're "actors."

  21. Traitors Like her don't speak for America !!!

  22. time for her to move to Iran as quickly as possible before they destroy the USA. cause she isnt any actress and never will be

  23. Thought she moved to Canada when Trump was elected.

  24. Send this actress over there to them to live there !!!!

  25. She is a Traitor and she needs to be deported to Iran.

  26. She should apologize to Weinstein, I heard she was a biter.


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