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Wednesday, January 08, 2020

2 more Chinese students held after shooting photos at base

Key West visitors always flock to the town’s favorite tourist spots — Mallory Square, Duval Street, Ernest Hemingway’s home, and the Southernmost Point Buoy — to snap photos and record memories.

But apparently, not students visiting from China. For some reason, they seem to like taking pictures of military facilities in Key West.

The latest — a pair of Chinese nationals attending the University of Michigan — were arrested over the weekend and appeared in federal court in Key West on Monday on a charge of entering a U.S. Naval property for the purpose of photographing defense installations.

At their first appearances in Key West federal court on Monday, the two defendants asked Magistrate Judge Lurana Snow to appoint lawyers to represent them.

But since both said they had about $9,000 each in a U.S. bank account, the judge required them to contribute $7,500 each to the cost of their defense.

In a similar case, another Chinese student, Lyuyou Liao, was arrested the day after Christmas on a charge of entering the Truman Annex at the Naval Air Station for the purpose of photographing defense installations.

At a detention hearing before Judge Snow on Monday, prosecutors described Liao as a 27-year-old college student in St. Louis, Missouri, who had a full scholarship from the Chinese government.



  1. So these stupid effing college admissions liberals are importing Communists SPYS.
    I guess one way to look at it, at least they’re not learning anything but how to be a failed Socialist loser in our colleges today.


  2. Spies. Try, convict, long sentences.

  3. See something..SAY SOMETHING!

    Never ignore!

  4. Northwest Woodsman: The Japanese did this exact thing during the prelude to the arachnid on Pearl Harbor in December 1941. They gathered intelligence regarding ship movements for the Japanese homeland military authorities in preparation for the surprise attack. Turns out that it was not much of a surprise as we had been reading their messages but Roosevelt was anxious to get us involved in the war and sacrificed thousands of US military personnel to achieve his goals. I have no doubts that he was a Marxist socialist admirer and knew full well that his administration was riddled with communists and their supporters which was proven with out a doubt by communications intercepts that were available after the demise of the communist Soviet Union. His success was getting us unnecessarily involved in a war that should not have happened. The war in the pacific, although bloody and difficult, was a sideshow for Roosevelt as he was more concerned with us getting involved in the European theater mainly to help the Russians (communists)


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