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Saturday, December 14, 2019

"What Happens If Nothing Happens?"

I have a question for American patriots...

We know what we have seen so far. We can all see the crimes. A blind man can see this with a wooden stick. It appears that the previous administration weaponized the FBI, shielded a favored candidate from criminal prosecution, abused the FISA court to spy on an opposition candidate, and deliberately worked to subvert the 2016 Presidential election.

This is astonishing.

This makes Watergate, Monica Lewinsky, Teapot Dome, and Iran/Contra look like Romper Room. This was nothing short of an attempted coup, and if you believe rumors and rumblings, the FISA memo is just "the tip of the iceberg". People are talking about sweeping hearings, numerous convictions, and many, many people going to jail.

Except that we've heard that before. We've heard it for years, time and time again, but it never seems to happen.

So here's the question:



  1. I'm not too sure President Trump or Bill Barr will sweep this under a rug.

    Since President Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King among other were shot....
    because the deep state and ancestors took them out...

    President Trump exposed these evils in our time period in History...

    I dont think this will go away without legal actions

  2. Remember the French Revolution. The same could happen to the Democratic Aristocrats.

  3. The real situation is much more dramatic than claimed even with the title of this article!
    Mr Trump only ran in the election to get his good friend Ms Clinton elected.
    He ran a doofus campaign of deceit in which the only legitimate option for the population was Ms Clinton.
    And everybody knew full well that the Clinton Family are part of international mafia
    Mr Tump (their financier and close personal friend) was always in cahoots with Chabad, also an international mafia organization.

    So Ms Clinton died on Sept 11 2016 and the look-a-like sent out on the sidewalk of NY City was soundly rejected by both the media and the public.

    Mr Tump suddenly had to play the role of POTUS.
    His trophy wife suddenly had to live in a 200 year old cold and ugly White House with constant attention and security. Terrible outcome. Only an actor could make the best of it. With the help of Langley writers.

    It is a crazy time to be alive

    1. Damn dude, you're on some bad stuff creating unprecedented paranoia, back off an take a breath of fresh air

  4. 10:10-you might be old enough to remember the French Revolution but I am not.


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