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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Virginia gun law would include grandfather clause for current owners of assault weapons

If a proposed assault weapons ban in Virginia is signed into law, citizens who already own the banned weapons would not be required to give up their guns, according to a new report.

"The governor’s assault weapons ban will include a grandfather clause for individuals who already own assault weapons, with the requirement they register their weapons before the end of a designated grace period,” Gov. Ralph Northam's office told the Virginia Mercury on Monday. "Additional details on this and all other bills will be announced prior to the start of the upcoming session.”

The sweeping legislation, being written by the Democratically-controlled House of Delegates, would ban assault weapons, bump stocks, and high-capacity magazines.



  1. Civil war is coming.

    1. Their is always one old fat guy that says that. 100 percent can’t run to the mail box and back but they are ready for war. So ridiculous and feeds the left.

    2. I'd like to see them try to take my registered hands

  2. Time to water tree of liberty

  3. Right, this rhetoric is to keep the opposition low. After the initial phase is implemented, the grandfathered laws will be stripped. Never trust the left.

  4. Never gonna happen.should have mass protest TO fill the jails with thousands of NEW CRIMINALS. Society would come to a halt with all of us in jail

  5. Pay no attention to this lying article, I say lying because they are only telling you a mere fraction of what their unconstitutional laws will do. 80 of the 90 VA Counties have declared 2A sanctuary, yet the gov ignores these lawful declarations. Not only has this gov and his muscle threatened the God given and Constitutionally Protected Rights of ALL VA citizens, he has THREATENED to attack with the National Guard on citizens and leo who refuse to comply with these unconstitutional laws. VA is where the first revolutionary war started, the exact same scenario is playing out right now....guess who's going to win.
    Its not only a farce and negligent, but down right criminal that the supreme court will not intervene and protect our Constitution and Bill of Rights. They have twisted meanings, played word games, delayed and overlooked, kicking the can down the road so far that they cannot intervene fast enough now. The bugaloo is upon us, prepare.

  6. Next thing on the list: tattooing serial numbers on citizens forearms!
    If this isn't like the early Nazi regime, I don't know what is!!
    If you put a frog in water and slowly turn up the heat, he will sit there until he cooks.
    That's what every one of these 'little steps' do to our rights. We sit there, not noticing that the end result will not be good. First, it's license and registrations, then clip size limits, then it's the type of weapons, then you'll be limited on ammo purchases. All the while, the liberals will say it's for our own good and we still have the right to bear arms.
    I call bull-sh*t!
    They want to completely disarm the population, and will do it little by little. They are in effect neutering the second amendment.

  7. F them.

    Don't come for anything I own.

    You won't even get CLOSE before I open fire on everything that moves.

    And if I see anyone trying to take something from my neighbors, I'm doing the same thing to anything moving outside of THEIR house.

    I don't think these idiots really understand what they are about to unleash.

    Keep cheering.

    When we are done with these ignorant "leaders", we will come for the cheerleaders.

    You won't be ready, either.

    Cheer on.

    1. Don't come for anything you own? Anything or just some these things? Cause i bet you pay your patriotic taxes every single year dont you. You willingly give up what 30% of your income every year.

      Make sure you put stipulations on what you will allow them to take and what you wont.

  8. Decades of infringement by corrupt judges and corrupt politicians had led us to this point of war. We need Trump to intervene with an EO calling for a halt of ALL anti gun laws immediately, MD is next with the upcoming legislative session. Bloomberg paid these politicians big money to violate these citizens.
    Perhaps its best we fight now so our children might know peace.

  9. I hope Democrats enjoy there war if they ever have the balls to come out of mommy's basement.

  10. New protest chant- Don't Ask Don't Tell!

  11. The chair is against the wall.

  12. Alot of Grand-fathers in VA !!!! LOL LOL

  13. I can't wait to meet the Squad on the battlefield.

  14. Wait till you see their pussy hats and their white crying eyes

    Keep your powder dry boys

  15. This will get ugly fast. Organize your weapons and ammo, do some range time while you still have time, because it's probably going to happen...

  16. Not only would I keep the guns you can stick your registration right up your ass.

  17. Hey 11:01 , I guess that scares you , I'm fat and old , but I can take your a$$ down anytime and any place . Bring it , scared to death idiot.

  18. Criminals don't care about any Ban !!! Still got theirs !!!

  19. Thing is, Virginia, they DO NOT own assault weapons. You idiots need to get a brain. Fight back, Virginia. Don't let them mess with YOUR rights.


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