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Sunday, December 01, 2019

VA Governor: ‘We Welcome Refugee Resettlement In Virginia’

Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam has opened the state to any and all refugees.

Northam sent a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Monday asserting that Virginia will welcome refugees as set up under executive order 13888, “Enhancing State and Local Involvement in Refugee Resettlement.” The order says the federal government will resettle refugees only in jurisdictions in which both the state and local governments have consent to receive them.

“I have read federal Executive Order 13888, and I write to reaffirm Virginia’s position that we welcome refugee resettlement in the Commonwealth,” he wrote in the letter.

“Virginia’s lights are on and our doors are open, and we welcome new Virginians to make their homes here,” the governor wrote.



  1. Define "refugee", Virginia.

  2. Ralphie should resettle them first in his daddys vacant house at the end of Breezy Point lane outside of Onancock . The view is marvelous .

  3. Are they staying at YOUR house ? YOUR neighborhood, Ralph?

  4. Ok virginia, keep your guns and take em out

  5. Virginia is lost. Hopefully the people will rise up against this insanity.

  6. Doesn't surprise me at all! Look at how many mexicans are already in VA! Think they are all Legal lol yeah right!

  7. Hey what did I tell you, it goes everywhere, and follows you everywhere, so where are you morons going to move to now????

  8. He does NOT speak for people in Virginia & He should have
    been THROWN OUT OF OFFICE along with the One who
    raped women !!!
    Throw out ALL Democrats from Virginia !!!

  9. Welcome in Virginia, but not Richmond.

  10. Let me make a point here.. nobody seems to make the connection between immigrants (of whatever stripe) and 'affordable housing'.

    Look at Salisbury/Fruitland/Delmar.. who is living in all the affordable housing?

    Can you pronounce any of their names?

    Go ahead.. bring 'em in. Then tell LeShaun and Ty'Nika how sorry you are that they can't find a place for them and their 4 kids, even though they've lived here all their lives.

    Maybe they can move in with Ahmed and his friends...

  11. Oh ok so what's your address there Ralphey boy?
    Oh that's right you don't want us to know that correct?

  12. Beware Salisbury (Eastern Shore). These are not just Mexicans who seem to work out okay for you guys. They are also referring to South Americans etc - more gangs. And, with the number of slumlords in Salisbury (Rinnier and his friends and family) you will see more illegal immigrants.

  13. NO more Immigrants > America is FULL !!!

  14. Refugees are not illegal immigrants. Fact

  15. The point is Virginia has a very tight labor market. Especially northern Virginia. It needs the labor

  16. Virginia is FULL !!! NO more period !!!


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