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Saturday, December 14, 2019

VA Democrat: Let National Guard Force Counties to Honor Gun Control

Rep. Donald McEachin (D-VA) suggests Gov. Ralph Northam (D) can activate the National Guard and use it to force Second Amendment sanctuary counties to honor gun control.

There are dozens upon dozens of Second Amendment sanctuary counties and numerous sanctuary cities too. And the number continues to grow. On December 12, 2019, Breitbart News reported that Northam said Second Amendment sanctuary counties will face “consequences” for refusing to enforce gun control.

The Washington Examiner reports that Rep. McEachin suggested using the National Guard to force compliance.



  1. These Democrats are just like the British before the revolution...

    We will beat their ass too...like we did England

  2. Someone needs to take a History class...

  3. ???? The Founding Fathers wrote the Second Amendment specifically, just for this!!! So the government could NOT take firearms away from The People.

  4. Taking away our Constitutional Rights means violence. The only ay to take away our Constitutional rights is through Federal legislation and ratified by the States with a 2/3 majority since our Constitution is a Federal mandate. The better use is to remove all illegals here illegally.

  5. Figures. Is this goof aware of the 2nd amendment or did he miss that at congress school?

  6. Better yet why don't we send the National Guard to Congress and force them to honor the Constitution.

  7. The national guard ? LMAO hard ... weekend warriors probably haven't fired their weapons since basic training and you want them to forcefully take someone else's weapons away... If you could only see me through the computer laughing 😂

    1. Probably in your day but for the past 19 years the nation guard as been getting blown up in the Middle East.

  8. Ready, aim, and fire

  9. 4:45
    Who are "We"?

    Seriously. Who is it with whom you identify?
    Does your family descend from Freemasons who fought Redcoats?

  10. @10:39, you'll know who he identifies with when you try and take the guns and see a resistance that makes Iraq seem like a cakewalk. See here in the states we look like the soldiers. You can't just aim a gun at a person of middle eastern descent and be assured that the enemy is among them. When you try and take guns here you will be looking at mirrors of yourselves but only the confiscators will be in clearly identifiable uniforms.


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