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Monday, December 30, 2019

Trump aide blasts Obama photographer for making millions ‘on official duty with government-owned equipment’

Dan Scavino ripped former White House photographer Pete Souza for allegedly profiting from photographs he took while working on the taxpayer’s dime.

Souza, who was the photographer for the Obama presidency, lashed out at Scavino on Twitter on Saturday. The photographer tweeted that Scavino was violating the Hatch Act for tweeting pro-Trump sentiments. Scavino currently works in the White House as a presidential assistant and director of social media.

Souza retweeted a post from Scavino’s page with the caption, “Hatch Act: Federal employees may not use their official title or authority... and engage in political activity while on duty.”



  1. Mark dice does it again.

  2. Just another whistle blower.

  3. But it's okay for dumbocrats to break laws and steal from taxpayers.

  4. All photos taken with that equipment are by default, the property of the U.S. government, i.e., the citizens of the U.S. They cannot be copyrighted by anyone, ever. They may be used and copied as can anything in the Public Domain, but only with equal access by all.

  5. So you are saying it is property of all American's so the photographer should not be allowed to gain financially on something he does not own.

    1. Thank you for your reply 7:11 - I too agree. Just checking. Thank you

  6. No, I'm saying that they have to be released to the public before they can be published for profit. The early bird catches the worm on this one.

  7. How many Porn shots were made ??? & Who is in them ???


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