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Monday, December 30, 2019

The Gay Mafia Comes to Idaho

A truce has been called between religious folks and gays. Or at least that's what we're being told. The Fairness for All Act, legislation intended to give rights to both Christian conservatives and transgenders, has been put before the House. For the latter, it proposes that "sexual orientation" be added to the Civil Rights Act, making it hard to discriminate against anyone on the basis of sexual identity. It gives sweeping protections in housing, business, banking, and "public accommodations." On the other hand, it grants protections to anyone in a business with fewer than 15 employees and grants exemptions to anyone in a "faith-based" organization. The Deseret News says it resulted from a dialogue between LGBT groups and representatives from the Seventh-Day Adventists, the Mormons, the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities, and other such suit-and-tie respectables.

But those of us who've escaped the wasteland-in-training known as Seattle know that the LGBT community is just that — a community. Not a uniform band of orthodox goose-steppers, but a volatile cocktail of competing doctrinaires — a hodgepodge of neatniks and weirdos, kind people and jackasses, bullies and victims. The whole gamut of men, both rotten and trustworthy. I've spent time with lots of these people, both as a coke-head and a straight-laced Christian, and I can attest that the majority are decent people. Many of them sexually looser than us, to be sure, but otherwise decent.

But alongside this decent majority stand the activist jackasses.


  1. Who wonders about and even considers the sort of sex people are having or not ? Just whom has the dirty mind and draws the dirty picture ? Viagra has liberated a whole demographic of non procreative sexuals that should have long given it up. Their pleasure mongering is no more pure or or chaste in intent.

  2. The author is correct. It is not about fairness, it is about forcing people to approve of their debauchery and trying to stifle any reasonable dissent.

  3. I don't give a crap who reams your butt but don't throw it up in my face and expect me to approve of it.

  4. The question arises as how to define what a "faith based" organization is.

    It also seems like slight of hand to say "you are equal until you are not", which is what this legislation is doing... even if it is a step in the right direction and a way for everyone to move forward.

    The term "faith based" organization would need to be strictly and meticulously defined for this legislation to have any merit.

    Obviously... a church would be. We can all agree on that, right?

    But can any business just exclaim they are "faith based" and use that as a pass to discriminate against Americans? This seems to be in contradiction to the spirit of this legislation.

    How can serving food or baking cakes or cutting grass be considered "faith based"? There are a lot of problems with this.

    Also, it grants equal access under the law, unless a business has less than 15 employees... yet again "equal until they are not".

    These things are problems, but to be frank, I don't know that there is a fix. SOME Christians just want carte blanche to discriminate, and some LGBT want to just make the world suffer because they have been so marginalized... a retribution if you will.

    I think the only way to solve this would be a bit of civility on all sides. Serve your customers... no matter who they are. Don't get all twisted up if someone doesn't want to put two men on top of a cake. There are plenty of cake makers... go find another one.

    Be assertive, but be kind. I think may be that's the start.

  5. You have to go on the offensive with these freaks


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