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Sunday, December 15, 2019

The FBI Teams Up With The Post Office To Get Your Fingerprints

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is teaming up with the “highly efficient” post office to make sure they’ve got your fingerprints. Even though it wasn’t that long ago that people were warned of sharing their DNA with ancestry sites, it seems they might have reason to be concerned now about the FBI’s desire to snag your fingerprints too.

Now, the government has announced a new program in which they hope people will voluntarily give their fingerprints. As the public has become more aware of such privacy concerns, it seems strange that on Friday, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) announced a new partnership with the United States Postal Service where customers can voluntarily provide them with their fingerprints while you’re at the post office.



  1. Tax dollars hard at work

  2. "highly efficient" and postal service definitely are like oil and water

  3. They can kiss my A..

  4. Two government agencies that shouldn't be trusted with ANYONE'S DNA!!

  5. And there will be people that do this and say "why not" SMH

  6. Just pass a law that when you enter school you have to give them your fingerprints. Just think of how fast they could solve crime.

    1. Just give them all your money and kiss their ass 509

  7. Crossing guards have earned more respect than any scuzzball FBI agent.
    They are not legitimate law enforcement officials any longer and should be treated as common criminals during confrontations.
    Defend yourselves people.

    1. Dirtbag comment,

      As in most jobs it's the scum management at the top that a scumbags not the Worker bee's.... FOOL

    2. I agree with 6:20

  8. Relax people ! Your finger print and DNA does not amount to being on Noah's Arch we will all die and rot. It's amazing how precious the most unlikely of being in the first place people covet their actuality as some legacy.

  9. I will run right down there and get this done asap!!!

  10. dont worry....be happyDecember 13, 2019 at 9:21 PM

    I have had concealed carry since 1983

    Those boys have my prints

    1. My hands have been registered since mid 90s. It’s classified so don’t ask. Thank you.

    2. I'm so proud of you 9:21

    3. Where can I register my hands?

  11. @9:21, you'll be one of the first that have swat at your door to confiscate them.

  12. 7 p.m.Peter Strzok and Page are worker bee scuzzballs. Comey is a queen bee scuzzball. McCabe is a queen bee slime ball.
    They all willingly allowed their agency to be a political weapon. Signed up for it in fact or let’s say infiltrated the FBI under Obama.
    They delegitimized the whole agency.
    Protect yourself. They are dangerous and partisan Obama brown shirts that do not care about the rule of law.
    Just ask Seth Rich.

  13. I was once interviewed by a new company in the DC area by a group of Asians who started a business of having children fingerprinted by this company for the good of the family. I thought it was a great idea - never really gave it much thought beyond safety for our children - well - little did I know what power that would give to this company. A foreign company. I didn't get the admin job because they didn't like me wearing a dress instead of a business suit. 🤔🤔

  14. Right, but God forbid requiring I.D. to vote.

    1. Really 605, we did you that piece of information?

  15. That's why the 2'nd amendment was added to the constitution.

  16. Don’t lick stamps!

  17. Who in their right mind would want to give their fingerprints to a corrupt government organization (FBI) or a totally bankrupt business like the Post Office who couldn't survive without billions of dollars of tax payers money. This has got to be a Democrat proposition.

  18. Civil war is coming.

  19. Civil War is not coming.
    The sheeple will continue to do exactly as they are told.

  20. @1:45 Yeah, and the people of Iraq will welcome us as liberators. My man Americans are bored and would love nothing more than to break the monotony of the day to day by shooting suckers in a uniform labeled confiscation squad. It's a wet dream only slightly less favorable then having Chinese or Russian targets.

    1. @211 please don’t hurt any Leo’s and please get help for your mental illness. Everything is ok. What is your name??


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