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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Teachers sue white principal who banned Black History Month lessons after she accused THEM of being racist and likened herself to Mahatma Gandhi

A former New York public school principal who banned a Black History Month assignment is engaged in a back-and-forth legal battle with her teachers as both sides accuse each other of racism.

Teachers have launched legal action against Patricia Catania, the former principal of IS 224 in the Mott Haven section of the Bronx, in the latest turn of what has become an ugly, almost two-year-squabble.

Catania, who is white, has already filed her own suit against the teachers, suggesting they were off base calling her racist, and were really mounting a coup to replace her with a black principal at IS 224, reports the Washington Post.

Now, a countersuit filed this month by the educators and their union claims their former boss discriminated against them.



  1. Blacks will pull that race card huh ?

  2. Now the principal should say okay to a black history lesson: the slave trade and show how blacks sold other blacks into slavery, and are still doing it today!

  3. No White History Month , then NO Black History Month !!!

  4. 935 hey doofus, you get the whole year. I bet you don't have a clue about the writings of Frederick Douglass or any insight into the Harlem Ren. This is exactly why there is a need for black history month. Thanks for playing, see you next time.

  5. Northwest Woodsman: I keep saying that segregation is the only viable solution but no one seems to be listening yet. I predict that it will eventually happen as no other solutions have even come close to eliminating the inherent problems.of integrated schools.


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