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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Staver: Atheist group lied to school over Nativity scene

Edmonds Public Schools has dropped Joseph, Mary, and Baby Jesus from Chisholm Elementary School’s third grade Christmas program after atheist group Freedom from Religion Foundation sent a letter claiming the school is violating the Establishment Clause.

The Edmond Sun newspaper reports the live Nativity has been part of the school’s Christmas program for approximately three decades but has been “modified” -- dropped -- from the program after the FFRF complaint.

The website for the FFRF offers a 2,100-word legal opinion that tepidly admits the courts have been open to including the Nativity as part of a larger Christmas display. One such case is Lynch v. Donnelly, a 5-4 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that reversed lower court decisions and found Baby Jesus does not violate the Establishment Clause if included among secular decorations on public school property.

Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel tells OneNewsNow he contacted Edmonds Public Schools via letter to explain their legal rights and to offer a pro bono defense.

In its own letter, FFRF nakedly threatened the school district with the news that it had sued an Indiana public school in 2015 over a Nativity scene, but Staver says what was left out of the threatening letter is that the courts ultimately ruled against the lawsuit.

More here


  1. Too many school districts cave. Wimps on Steroids. They make me sick as they stand for NOTHING.


  2. These people are bullies. They have at least 4 full-time lawyers that do nothing but find small schools and towns that couldn't possibly afford to defend themselves, then they stick it to them.

    Many principals and board members would like to say no, but just can't afford a fight so they cave. Hard to blame them. Legal bills are expensive.

  3. Northwest Woodsman: Certainly the tribe is at work here. They have been trying to destroy Christmas for all the years I can remember and probably centuries before that. They hate and fear Christianity and will go to any lengths to destroy it. They can be identified by the lawyers that promote issues like this and have never asked themselves why others despise them. Matter of fact, they, as a group, have been expelled from over 100 countries over the centuries due to their subversive activities and unethical business practices. Do some research and you will notice that they are not the Amish or those pesky Scandinavians.


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