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Friday, December 13, 2019

Secret Service Issues Warning About Fake $100 Bills During Holiday Season

The Secret Service is issuing a warning about counterfeit $100 bills this holiday season that have been hitting retailers in the purse.

Authorities say that many businesses have been targeted by the bogus $100 bills and other forms of counterfeit money because the counterfeiters have found a way to avoid detection by the businesses through 3D printing.

“Sometimes they bleach the $1 bill and they print $5 or $20 on top of that and when you use the pen, it doesn’t work, it shows that its good currency,” said South Philadelphia 7-Eleven store owner Vincent Emmanuel.

Emmanuel’s store recently got burned by scammers who used several thousand dollars of fake bills to purchase prepaid Visas and Mastercards.

“And the clerk behind the counter is always busy. By the time the person realizes that it’s a fake bill, the person is out the door,” said Emmanuel.

The Newport News, Virginia, police also noticed an uptick in counterfeit bills being passed along at retail establishments.



  1. The Fed wants to eliminate currency (freedom) entirely. They will use these stories to justify forcing us all to use digital currency so they can track everything we do and buy.

    1. Got a news flash for you, if you have a cell phone they already know everything you do. Funny how you believe conspiracy theories like that but refuse to see the corruption right in front of your face.

  2. You can't do anything today without the Government knowing about it. Just look at the information put on line that is "public" info. How much you paid for your home, taxes, when you bought it, if you have a beneficiary, how much you sold it etc etc etc - that's only 1 website.

  3. The amount of time it took to bleach and reprint the bills equates to a JOB. I wonder what they really feel they gained ?

  4. 5G will bring the RFID technology that will be on every product made and track it from production to landfill.

  5. Just give me the 5's and The 10's !!


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