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Friday, December 27, 2019

San Franciscans, Inundated By Feces, Now Want To Ban Paper Cups

First they came for the straws. Then they came for the disposable water bottles. Now San Franciscans, in the same city inundated by public feces and urine, are banning paper to-go cups in order to save the city from the environmental apocalypse.

Fox Business reports, “A growing number of coffee houses in San Francisco are banishing paper to-go cups and replacing them with everything from glass jars to rental mugs and BYO cup policies. What started as a small trend among neighborhood cafes to reduce waste is gaining support from some big names in the city’s food and coffee world.”

Some examples: the restaurant Atelier Crenn will eschew using to-go bags or disposable coffee cups next year; the Blue Bottle coffeehouse chain, which uses 15,000 to-go cups a month at its 70 U.S. locations, has stated it will “show our guests and the world that we can eliminate disposable cups,” and Starbucks has plans to test recyclable cups next year in San Francisco, Seattle, New York, Vancouver and London.



  1. Toilet paper is next

  2. What about the gas and oil that keeps the coffee houses open? What about the jet fuel to bring in the beans and other items. Why not CLOSE The business to save environment

  3. San Fran-physicos are crapping in paper cups?

  4. My wife and I visited San Fran some years ago and had a wonderful time. So much to see of the legendary city; today the far left liberals have taken over. The city is out of control and I would not feel safe there any more. So sad but when looking at most major cities i.e. New York, Chicago, Baltimore crime is rampant, citizens do not respect law enforcement, and neighborhoods are crumbling. Bottom line...Democrats do not know how to manage or govern.

  5. Keep the cups to poop in.

  6. 8:29 AM---you hit the nail on the head. SF'ers need to learn to recycle better. A cup full of poop from the locals could make a wonderful cup of "java" and Greta Thunberg would be appreciative of the thoughtfulness of the recycling effort. Pelosi could even be the Chief Pooper Scooper, something I think she might be able to handle. "Oh What A Wonderful World".

    1. Only thing Pelosi would be good for is to hold the cup while they poop in it


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