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Saturday, December 07, 2019

REPORT: Deep State NSA and ATT Assisted Adam Schiff in Unprecedented Surveillance of Giuliani, Nunes and Reporter Solomon’s Phone Records

Laura Ingraham on Thursday invited guest Fred Fleitz, a former CIA analyst, to discuss Adam Schiff’s surveillance of President Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani, Rep. Devin Nunes and reporter John Solomon’s phone calls.

On Tuesday Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff released his highly political impeachment report that omitted several key facts from the interviews and the case. The report bogus report also contained phone records from Rep. Devin Nunes, President Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani and investigative reporter John Solomon.

On Thursday Laura Ingraham told her audience that the Deep State NSA willingly assisted Adam Schiff in his surveillance of a mainstream reporter and the President’s attorney. This raises all kinds of legal and ethical questions. This also proves once again that the US surveillance state has become an arm of the Democrat Party.



  1. Northwest Woodsman: Totally illegal conduct by pedo Marxist democrats and the federal deep state operatives. They know that they are secure in their criminally and can’t be touched. We now have a rogue government that will eventually eliminate our rights and our freedom. This situation has been created by the marxists through years of hiring like minded federal employees that infiltrate the entire government. They stay behind and insure that their corrupt and illegal policies continue and incrementally become more oppressive. My hope is that I gat assigned a lower bunk when I arrive at one of their re-education camps.

  2. Time to Surveil the Demon-crats !!! Use NSA / CIA etc


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