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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Pretty Complete List - WOW!!!!!


I’m still trying to figure out how I lost the 2016 election.

I thought we had the thing bought and paid for!

Was it Wikileaks?

Was it Podesta’s Emails?

Was it Comey?

Was it having a sexual predator as a husband?

Was it Huma Abedin’s sexual predator husband Anthony Weiner?

Was it because the Clinton Foundation ripped off Haiti?

Was it subpoena violations?

Was it the congressional testimony lies?

Was it the corrupt Clinton Foundation?

Was it the Benghazi fiasco?

Was it pay for play with Uranium One while I was Secretary of State?

Was it being recorded laughing when I got a child rapist off when I was an attorney?

Was it the Travel Gate scandal?

Was it the Whitewater scandal?

Was it the Cattle Gate scandal?

Was it the Trooper-Gate scandal?


Was it the $15 million for Chelsea’s apartment bought with Clinton Foundation money?

Or my husband’s interference with Loretta Lynch & the investigation?

Or when I happily accepted the stolen debate questions given to me by CNN?

Or my own secret server in my house and my disdain for classified information?

Or deleting 30,000 emails after I was told not to?

Or having my cell phones and computers destroyed with hammers and Bleach-bit?

Was it the Seth Rich murder?

Was it the Vince Foster murder?

Was it the Gennifer Flowers assault & settlement?

Was it the $800,000 Paula Jones settlement?

Was it calling half the United States deplorable?

Was it my underhanded treatment of Bernie Sanders?

Was it Bill’s impeachment?

Was it the lie I told about being under sniper fire in Bosnia?

Was it the $10 million I received for the pardon of Marc Rich?

Or the $6 BILLION lost while I was in charge of the State Dept.?

Or was it because I’m perceived as a hateful, lying, power-hungry, overly ambitious, greedy, and nasty person?

Gee, I just can’t seem to put my finger on it!


  1. Gee , I wonder , I'll pick all of the above for 1000 Alex .

  2. All of the above and more than any of us will ever know.

  3. And these are her attributes. Seems qualified to run in the Democratic Party. All said!

  4. Hil-liar-y WILL burn in hell. Sooner than later I hope...

    1. 625 I would pay for play on that one

  5. Looks like that skank is the ultimate democreep LOSER!
    Just like the rest of them.

  6. WOW! What a legacy. Imagine for a minute...where the country would be with Hillary as President. I am a conservative and I find it difficult to listen to Trump sometimes. However, he is making it happen and I liken him to the bitter pill the country has needed since Reagan. Not only has he accomplished many of his campaign promises he has ferreted out and exposed so much corruption that goes on in D.C.

  7. She needs to be Waterboarded.

  8. Please have sympathy for her because 26 of her closest friends have committed suicide.

  9. Northwest Woodsman: Puts it all in perspective doesn’t it?

  10. 7:34 Don't you think daughter Chelsea is so proud, she will follow in her mother's footsteps watch out next generation of Presidential hopefuls by that time I won't be here no worry.

  11. I understand Hulu recently made and infomercial documentary about her and her life explaining why she is perceived as a hateful bitch and why she is disliked so much.

    The Documentary is trying to state that she is just misunderstood! It's her personality, because she knows what is best for us, just like every other liberal democrat out there.

    I was thinking about subscribing to Hulu, but after seeing this and some of it's other made for TV movies like the Handmaid's tale, I think I will stay with Sling TV.



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