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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Planned Parenthood to open reproductive health centers at 50 high schools

Planned Parenthood is pioneering a new model of reproductive health services for Los Angeles County teens by opening 50 clinics at area high schools. The program — announced Wednesday and launched in partnership with the school district and county health department — is believed to be the most ambitious effort in the country to bring these types of services to at-risk youth in public schools.

The program, funded by an initial investment of $10 million from Los Angeles County and $6 million from Planned Parenthood over three years, will offer a full range of birth control options, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy counseling, but not abortion, for an estimated 75,000 teens. The program will also train hundreds of teens to be “peer advocates” to help provide information about safe sex and relationships.



  1. Reproductive Health is also known as Eugenics (depopulation) of Goyim people.

  2. So remove GOD from the lexicon and replace it with this luciferian BS.. wow we are so screwed. How about teaching a BIBLE COURSE instead.

  3. Now they want to harvest babies from babies. Disgusting - educate at home

  4. 2:37 goyim, Nubian reduction. Sanger said it herself, they’re just carrying the torch. Fewer the government has to feed cradle to grave.


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